You Should Crave My Touch

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Amaryllis wandered into the kitchen to toast an English Muffin. It was late at night, but she was hungry and bread was her weakness. After toasting and buttering the muffin, she decided to do something nice for Ulric.

She reached in the refrigerator and grabbed one of the blood bags. Opening it up, she carefully poured her blood into a glass. She walked into the living room where Ulric was sitting and handed him the glass before sitting down next to him.

He looked at her with a quizzical expression as he fingered the glass. She shrugged, "I thought you might be thirsty."

Ulric took a sip from the glass and groaned in delight. A light pink misted across Amaryllis's cheeks at his reaction.

"Thank you," he said, leaning down and tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear. She watched as he brought the glass up to his lips and took another drink. His eyes began to almost sparkle, shining with lust.

He reached out and gently grabbed the girl's neck, tilting it sideways to allow him better access. The sound of her increasing heartbeat filled Ulric's head; she was nervous especially after what happened last time.

"Shhhh," he cooed. He wasn't going to bite her, not yet anyway.

He brought the glass up to his mate's neck and slightly tipped the glass sideways allowing a trickle of dark crimson to flow down her creamy colored skin. He wasn't going to bite her yet, so this would have to suffice for now.

He bent down to her neck and licked the trail of blood that had trickled down to the base of her neck. His mate was the most beautiful specimen he had ever seen, but this, with her deep red blood racing across her skin presented Amaryllis in a light he had never seen before. And he fucking loved it. His primal beast desired this almost more than anything. The only thing that would make this better was if the blood was actually flowing from her body, not from a blood bag.

"Oh," she gasped as Ulric's tongue caressed her neck. She leaned her head back a little more against Ulric's hand to allow his tongue even more access. She was enjoying this far more than any normal girl should. But if this was wrong, she didn't exactly want to be right.

Ulric repeated his actions twice more before moving on. He leaned Amaryllis against the armrest of the couch and crawled on top of her, making sure he didn't put any of his weight on her.

He downed the glass of blood before placing it down on the coffee table. "Your blood is absolutely divine," he huskily whispered into her ear. Chills arose on her skin and she shuddered at his sensual voice.

A drop of the blood slowly dribbled from his mouth but before he could lick it away, Amaryllis swiped her thumb across his chin and gathered the drop onto her finger. She brought her thumb is to his mouth and placed it against his lips.

Ulric opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around her finger, both sucking the blood off as well as teasing her. He could feel his mate's delectable body squirming under him.

He kept her finger trapped between his lips for longer than necessary, but she didn't mind, not at all. He pulled his head back which allowed her thumb to slip passed his lips. He maintained eye contact with her the whole time.

Leaning in he pressed his lips against hers, his warm mouth caressing her own. She lived for moments like these any more. They were so passionate and absolutely amazing. Amaryllis loved the sensation of her mate against her.

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