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By noon, Amaryllis had finished her task of cleaning the floors and dusting the ceiling and walls. She also had to help Kayla do her chores because the girl had no idea how to use a washer and dryer.

Amaryllis had to show her how to use the machines and then had to show her how to fold clothes. She wanted to bash her head off of the washing machine by the time she was done demonstrating everything for Kayla.

A little bit past noon, one of the King's right-hand men came to get the girls. The man led them to the human dining area where all of the other girls were already seated.

As Amaryllis looked around, she noticed that there were quite a few tables set up in the decently sized room. She sat down at one of the only tables that weren't already occupied. Amaryllis felt better sitting by herself as she had done her whole life at school.

The other girls, including many other human girls she had never seen before, quietly talked amongst themselves as Amaryllis longed to be part of a group. She looked down and played with her fingers until the slam of a door alerted her.

She looked up and saw the handsome yet menacing looking King walk into the room.

"This is where you humans will eat your meals every day. Breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 12:30, and dinner at 6:00." He then quickly left the room. A few girls carrying carts of food soon replaced his spot and they began serving us dinner.

There was a door in the back of the room connecting to the kitchen, Amaryllis realized as more girls came out of the door.

Amaryllis heard a girl she had never seen before talking to Heather. She said that the King feeds them well so they can do their chores to the best of their ability. And that the King wants us to be healthy for the auction.

"What's the auction?" Amaryllis heard Heather ask.

"Once a year, the girls that the King has chosen over the past few years are taken to an auction where vampires can bid on them. If you get to bid on, you have to live with that vampire and do whatever they please. The auction takes place a few days before a Harvest, so you all have another year before you will attend." The girl who introduced herself as Gabby said.

"I've been here for three years and haven't been picked yet. If you don't get picked then you have to live in the castle and do whatever the King tells you. Oh, the auction is also so the King can make room for new girls he gets at Harvests and so he can supply his vampires with a fresh blood source," Gabby said calmly as if this wasn't the most screwed up thing Amaryllis had ever heard in her life.

The auction seems ten times worse than the Harvest, Amaryllis thought to herself. At least back home you weren't being fed on by the vampires. Everyone age 18 or above is required to donate blood once a month.

The girls Amaryllis had never seen before were girls from past Harvests that had never been auctioned off, she realized.

One of the girls serving us walked back into the dining room after a guard called her out to the hallway. Amaryllis looked out of the door as it slowly closed. She noticed a young looking man that looked like her old best friend Travis walking with a woman.

No, Amaryllis thought to herself, he is probably dead. But, then again, girls from Harvests years ago were still alive. Maybe it was him, Amaryllis thought as hope swelled in her heart.

Soon, Amaryllis and the rest of the girls finished their dinner which Amaryllis thought was very good. It was meat in some type of delicious sauce along with some other tasty sides. It was way better than any meal she had ever had at home.

Amaryllis became angry as she thought of the times she went to bed hungry due to the town was not producing enough food because the vampires were taking it. These people have more than enough food and pleasure in their lives, yet they take from us anyway, Amaryllis thought.

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