Blood Bag

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It was a week later and Amaryllis was still living in Ulric's quarters. She did little chores around his space like cleaning up little things, helping him to organize his work stuff, nothing too hands-on being that her wrist was broken.

Even though she was living in his quarters, Amaryllis hadn't seen Ulric barely at all in the last week. He was constantly working, doing all of his duties as King, or training. He would leave her a list of what he wanted to be accomplished for each day taped to the door so she would know what to do since he was always gone before she woke up. Sometimes she would hear him come back in the very early morning.

She slept better in the bedroom than she had in the dungeon obviously as it was cozy and warm and everything smelled of Ulric, but she still had trouble sleeping. She slept amazingly the first night, but Ulric was also there when she fell asleep. Lately, he had been gone still by the time she was ready for bed. It was as if she couldn't sleep without being near Ulric, even if he was in a different room. She laid awake, waiting for him to come back and would then finally get to sleep.

Just like that day, Ulric left a list of small, easy things for her to do. One of the things he wanted to be done was for her to wash all of his dirty clothes from the past week. He came back at 2 a.m. that morning and was gone by 6:45 when Amaryllis got up and ready for the day.

It was 10 p.m. and Ulric still wasn't back. Amaryllis was exhausted and just had to fold all of her work clothes that she washed earlier that day before she could go to sleep. She finished folding everything and was finally walking to her bedroom to go to sleep.

The doors opened to the chamber, scaring the young girl and causing her to drop her freshly folded clothes on the ground. She picked her clothes up and cradled them in the crook of her arm to prevent them from putting any pressure on her injured wrist.

She looked up and was immediately met with Ulric's vibrant silver eyes with flecks of all types of colors swirling in them. They entranced her and it was as if she was in a daze staring at his eyes until he spoke, pulling her out of her trance.

"What are you still doing up? It's almost 10:30." His deep, masculine voice sounded like heaven to Amaryllis.

"I was washing my work clothes, Sir," she responded. Her body was tingling because they were so close together. She wanted to close the distance between them and feel his skin against her own, but she refrained.

Ulric nodded and walked passed her and down the hallway to get to his bedroom. When he walked past, she caught the scent of a sickeningly sweet perfume. How Kayla brought that horrid perfume here, Amaryllis had no idea, but she recognized the disgusting smell anywhere. Ulric had been with Kayla.

It all added up, too. When he was standing in front of her, she noticed his hair was disheveled more than normal, and his suit that he was wearing looked like it was just thrown on without any care, unlike the pristine way he normally looked when he wore suits.

Amaryllis wanted to throw up. Yeah, she was an inexperienced girl, but she wasn't stupid. She knew he had just come back from having sex with Kayla. She was very jealous, angry even at the realization. She wondered why he continued to pick Kayla over her.

Amaryllis didn't even know why she was jealous or why she wanted the King to "pick" her. She didn't even know the guy, and most of the time she spent with him he acted like a jerk. She didn't know why she felt a pull toward him, but she also didn't care. For some reason, unbeknown to her, she was seriously attracted to the man, and she didn't want other women to have him.

Tears pricked her eyes and she ran into her room. She put her clothes in the dresser and threw her body onto the bed. She refused to cry over some random man she barely knew that she had some weird connection to and that slept around with horrible girls.

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