Wooden Splinters

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"I don't want you to go," Amaryllis whined, staring at Ulric as he got dressed.

"I know, but I need to."

She huffed and sunk back against the sheets. "Can you make sure he suffers for what he did to Simon?"

"Why do you care about Simon?" Ulric asked. She could feel his rising jealousy.

"Because he was kind to me. And he seemed like a nice person. He didn't deserve to be killed. You don't need to be jealous over a dead man Ulric," she chastised.

He glared at her. "I'm not jealous."

She rolled her eyes and giggled at him. Then she wrapped the throw blanket around her naked body and got out of the bed. "Please be safe," she said into his chest as she hugged him.

"Don't worry, sweet girl. Everything's under control. Marley and Thierry will be over in a few minutes, so go get dressed," he said. He kissed her on the forehead and finished buttoning the buttons on his shirt.

Amaryllis slid on a pair of jeans and one of Ulric's long-sleeved shirts. She tucked the shirt in and then threw on a pair of socks before heading to the bathroom. She brushed her hair and teeth, washed her face, and applied deodorant.

Then she walked passed the bed toward the door and saw the evidence her lost virginity as the red blood stained the sheets. She felt herself getting excited as she reminisced on what had occurred the night before and the residual soreness between her legs.

When she reached the kitchen, she saw Marley and Thierry walking up onto the front porch. Ulric opened the door for them and immediately a grin appeared on Thierry's face.

"So, ya finally did it, huh?" He asked, shooting Ulric a wink. Amaryllis stood in confusion as Thierry looked between the two of them. Ulric closed the door behind the couple, answering him with a roll of his eyes.

"What?" Amaryllis asked. Ulric simply shook his head and Thierry kept smiling like an idiot. "I'm so happy for you man. You deserve it."

"What are you talking about?" Amaryllis asked again. Marley gave her a sympathetic look but gave her a smile as well. But her cheeks were a little red too as she looked between Ulric and Amaryllis.

"You didn't tell her?" Thierry asked.

"When you complete the mate bond, others can tell. Our scents combine so everyone knows that you are mated and belong to someone else," Ulric said.

Amaryllis's mouth dropped open and her hands went to her cheeks. "You can tell that Ulric and I...." she couldn't even complete the sentence.

"Yup," Thierry said and Marley nodded beside him.

"Oh my god! That's so embarrassing, Ulric!" She all but screamed as her face reddened.

"It's a natural thing, Amaryllis. There's no need to be embarrassed or ashamed." Ulric said.

"I'm not ashamed. I just... you never told me that other people would know. I wanted it to be a private moment."

"I never told you because I was trying to avoid this reaction. Every couple goes through it. No one will judge you for it, or even mention it to you. This fucker just can't keep his mouth shut," Ulric said, nodding to Thierry.

"It truly is a magical thing, Amaryllis. It's a little embarrassing when people look at you and smile in that knowing way, but it's amazing being able to have that connection with your mate," Marley said.

"Okay. Thank you," Amaryllis said to Marley. At least Marley was nice about it, unlike Thierry who just kept teasing.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to make a big deal about it. I'm just happy for you two. You deserve each other," Thierry said.

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