First Bite

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Amaryllis kicked off her shoes when she walked through the door to their quarters. She had a lovely day with Ulric, no arguing, no hostilities, just perfection. She even got to learn more about the mysterious man.

Ulric shut the door behind then after he walked through. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed a blood bag, and poured it into a glass. She noticed that his stock of her blood was slowly running out. He still had a lot left, but what would he do when he ran out? Would he draw blood from her with a needle, or would he bite her?

"Today was fun," she stated as she sat at the barstool in front of him. He put the glass down and licked his lips.

"I did enjoy our date," he replied, making Amaryllis smile.



"What are you going to do when I get old... and die?" She asked. She'd been wondering this for some time now. She didn't want him to be alone. She didn't want to die and leave him mateless, the thought hurt her heart. But, she was only human. She was going to die eventually.

Ulric chuckled as he brought the glass to his lips once more. "When I give you my mark, it will stop your aging process. You won't ever age, you won't ever die." He put the half-full glass of blood back into the fridge.

Her mouth fell agape. "Are you serious?" Amaryllis had no idea that was even a possibility. She truly thought she was going to grow old and die, something she didn't exactly want. She wanted to spend forever with Ulric.

He nodded his head as he came to stand in front of her. She could see his defined abdominal muscles and pecks through his gray t-shirt.

"We can only do that to our mates. It doesn't work for other humans. It won't make you a vampire. You'll still be susceptible to human weaknesses, but you won't ever die of old age. If something were to happen to you, I would be able to heal you anyway," he said while pulling her knees apart and moving in between them.

"Oh," she whispered. He was too close for her to think clearly. His scent and presence were all-consuming.

Ulric connected his lips to the soft skin of Amaryllis' neck. He sucked gently on the front of her neck, wishing he could pierce her delicate skin with his sharp teeth. Moving his head, he placed his lips onto hers, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

Amaryllis wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs. She scooted as close to his body as possible and then dug her hands into his thick brown hair.

"Ulric," she whispered when he released her lips so she could breathe. "Will you feed on me?" She wanted nothing more than for him to sink his teeth into her. She'd been thinking about it for days, waiting, wishing for it to happen.

Uric pulled away and looked at her, waiting for any signs of opposition before he leaned back into her neck. He kissed around her jugular vein while stretching his arms around her body. Picking her up from the chair, he took them to their bedroom

He sat in the bed holding her in his lap, while still massaging her skin with his tongue. When she relaxed into this new position, he extended his fangs. Then he slowly broke her skin and plunged them into her.

Amaryllis released a sharp cry from the motion. It pinched slightly at first, but the cry was from the pleasure that flooded in afterward. As quickly as the pinch of pain came, it disappeared and was replaced with pleasure. It felt wonderful.

She felt his lips holding a suction on her neck as his tongue moved around, lapping up her blood. "Ahhh," she trembled as she felt the pleasure heighten. The only thing that had ever felt so good was when he kissed her or... fingered her. She slid her hands back into his hair, pulling on the strands. She needed something to hold onto.

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