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"You are my mate, Amaryllis," Ulric said as he stared at her from across the table. He enjoyed toying with her before telling her the blatantly obvious truth that she was too innocent to see.

Amaryllis's eyes widened as she stared at the handsome man in front of her. She, a mere human, was mated to the most powerful vampire in the world? How could this be, she thought.

Amaryllis shook her head. "No, I'm not."

Ulric raised up a brow.

"You're too powerful to be mated to a weak human like me," Amaryllis said sadly as she looked down at her plate, her mood now gloomy. She really wanted Ulric to be her mate. The odd connection she felt with him seemed to grow stronger everyday and she could no longer try to ignore it. But the fact that he was lying to her about them being mates made her heart hurt.

"Amaryllis, I'm not lying to you. You are my mate," Ulric said quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear. It was none of anyone else's business. He would reveal the news when he was ready.

The girl stared at Ulric looking for telltale signs that he was lying, but she saw nothing in his beautifully unique eyes, well except maybe for some annoyance on his face as he frowned at her.

"Oh," she said as a smile broke out on her face. "I have a mate!" She said with a level of giddiness and joy that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Yes. Now let's go," Ulric said as he grabbed Amaryllis's hand and pulled her up from the chair. He stopped and gently grabbed her broken wrist and inspected it. "We need to take you to get your cast removed in two weeks," he said as they walked out of the kitchen.

She nodded her head as she relished in the feeling of his big strong hand wrapped around her wrist.

As they walked around the corner of the hallway, the couple saw Thierry walking toward them.

"Hi!" Amaryllis squealed as she waved her hand. He waved back and met the couple, standing about a foot in front of them.

"Where are you going?" Amaryllis asked as she saw a bouquet of flowers and a stuffed teddy bear in his hand.

"I'm going to see my mate in the hospital," he replied.

"Ohh. Is she awake?"

Thierry shook his head, looking sad. "Not yet. But I know she will be soon. She's a fighter," he replied as adoration for his mate was visible in his eyes. Amaryllis hoped Ulric would feel love and adoration for her one day like Thierry feels for Marley.

"General Stirk," I heard as a nurse from the hospital ran around the corner. This one, in particular, was a vampire but there were also humans who served as nurses.

Who was she talking to? Who is General Stirk?

"We think Miss. Benton might be waking up! Her eyelids were moving and her finger twitched!" The vampire nurse said excitedly.

Thierry looked relieved as he ran with his vampire speed to the hospital wing, wasting no time to get to his mate.

"Your Highness," the nurse curtsied in Ulric's direction. She gave him a weird smile, but Amaryllis wasn't sure what it meant so she just brushed it off.

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