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Amaryllis rushed to the door and pulled it open. She looked down the hallway to find Ulric and saw that he was almost to the stairs.

"Wait!" She called out.

The King stopped and slowly turned around to face her direction.

He looked at her with an unreadable expression.

"I wanted to thank you for saving me earlier," Amaryllis said while wringing her hands together in nervousness.

Amaryllis wasn't ever the outgoing type or the social one, so being in such situations made her slightly uncomfortable. Especially such a situation with the king of vampires.

"Something really bad could've happened if you weren't there," she said awkwardly. She reached up and brushed a hand through her hair.

The King stared down at her, intimidation searing through her body, but she didn't look away. She was entranced, by both his beauty and dominance.

"I wasn't down there for you little human. I could have easily let the boy rip you apart, but I chose to spare your meek life. Never forget that." He turned on his heel and walked away from the girl, an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

He told himself that he didn't regret what he had said to her.

Amaryllis dropped her head and walked back to the cell. She opened the door and quietly let it close shut.

Sitting down on the little bed, she wondered what was wrong with her. She didn't have friends when she lived at home for she was bullied for most of her life.

And now, she comes here only to be bullied and segregated from everyone else. Why did everyone hate her so much?

She stayed in her cell until Cameron, the girl she met on her first morning there, knocked on the door.

Amaryllis opened the door and relief rushed over her. She was thankful it was just Cameron and not the King or someone else.

"Hi, Amaryllis," Cameron said. "How are you this morning?"

"Oh, I'm good," Amaryllis said, not wanting to go into details about her early morning adventures.

Cameron nodded and then led that way out of the dungeon and to the dining hall that the humans used. Cameron walked in with her this time and they both took a seat at an empty table.

Heather and Danielle sat beside them. A few girls were at the long table in the back of the room finishing setting up breakfast. When they went back to the kitchen, a vampire guard started to dismiss tables to go up and get their food.

A smile graced Amaryllis's lips as she smelled the lovely scent of bacon. She hadn't had bacon in almost a year as meat wasn't exactly easy to get. If vampires weren't feeding off of blood, they were eating all of the meat.

A guard dismissed their table, but not before giving Cameron a once over. Cameron didn't notice. Amaryllis wasn't surprised though, out of the few human boys in the dining room, all of them had been looking at Cameron; she was absolutely beautiful.

Amaryllis walked to the table and grabbed plate and fork. She took two pancakes, a scoop of scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, and three pieces of bacon. She also poured herself a glass of orange juice at the end of the table.

She immediately dug in when they got back to their seats. She hadn't had a breakfast this nice in years.

"Good, isn't it?" Cameron asked when Amaryllis started scarfing down her food.

Amaryllis smiled and nodded. It was delicious.

"That's one good thing about being here," Cameron said. "They have great food."

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