Lovers' Tiff

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"What time is it?" Amaryllis asked through a yawn when they woke up from their nap a few hours later.

"Four o clock," Ulric answered, burying his head back into the side of Amaryllis's neck after he turned to look at the clock.

"Can we get up soon so I can go get some dinner?" She asked.

"Do you want me to make you something here?"

"I would say yes, but the kitchen is making pizza tonight and I love pizza so much," Amaryllis answered. "But you can make me dinner tomorrow."

Ulric patted her stomach in response before sliding out of the bed. He had a fine ass and Amaryllis loved it when she got a glimpse of it. She suddenly got the urge to bite down on his toosh. It just looked so... nice.

She laid in bed until Ulric walked out of the bathroom still in all of his naked glory. She couldn't help but stare at his body. He was beautiful, sculpted out of the finest stone. His body was chiseled to absolute perfection with tanned skin wrapped tightly around hard muscle.

"Hey, quit staring at me and get up, pervert."

"But I like staring."

"You're the one who wants to go to dinner." Ulric wrapped his arms around her and hauled her out of the bed. He set her down on her feet in the closet where they got dressed.

"Why did you pick Silas to be the one that lived?" She asked as she thought about these few hours.

"I told Lawrence to chain them to the wall in a random manner. The closet person to Reynold was Silas so that's how I made the decision," Ulric answered as he pulled a shirt over his stomach.

"So Silas only lives because of the law of chance," Amaryllis said, not as a question, more as a general statement. All those other men died because of chance as well. It was wild to hear that their livelihood had been determined by random chance.

"What's wrong?" He cupped her faced and traced his thumbs along her brow bones.

"Nothing's wrong exactly. I'm just thinking about how they all just died because of their placement relative to Reynold," she answered.

"Are you upset with me?"

"No," she said shaking her head. "I just don't like death."

"Just stop thinking about it sweet girl. Don't let it consume your thoughts. They don't deserve that presence in your life."

Amaryllis nodded her head and shook her shoulders out, trying to clear her mind from the events of the day before. "Okay, I'm ready to go to dinner."

She quickly got dressed and then they left Ulric's quarters to head down to the human dining room.

When they walked into the dining room, Amaryllis saw Travis and his mate Addison sitting at a table. She tugged on Ulric's shirt as he placed slices of pizza on to her plate. "Can we sit with Travis and his mate?"

Ulric turned and looked between her and Travis. "Ulric there's absolutely nothing for you to be jealous about. Are you aware that you took my virginity?" She asked in a whisper.

He looked at Travis once more, softly glaring at him before returning his gaze to Amaryllis. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the table Travis was seated at, but she tugged his arm and stopped his movement.

"Wait. I don't know what to say. Will his mate be okay with me sitting there? I'm awkward in these situations." A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he picked up his pace again.

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