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Amaryllis wrapped her arms around Cameron as they said their goodbyes. The day finally arrived where Cameron was leaving the castle to work for a blood drive.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Amaryllis whispered as she hugged her friend closer. While they had only known each other for a short time, their friendship had grown very strong. While she missed her friends at home dearly, there was a connection that formed between Amaryllis and Cameron that could never be severed. Friendships formed in near-death experiences were ones you would never forget.

"I'm going to miss you too!" Cameron cried. Amaryllis felt her friend's warm tears drip into her shirt.

"Cameron Zaggert, your ride to transport you to Eversburg has arrived," a guard sounded.

Eversburg was were Cameron was from. Surprisingly, Amaryllis's town was only about an hour away from Eversburg.

Cameron pulled away from their tight hug and gave Amaryllis a big but sad smile.

"I don't want to leave you here alone," she said 

Amaryllis shook her head. "Don't you dare feel guilty. You deserve to be with your family Cameron. Besides, I'm not alone. I have Thierry and Travis, and Ulric is starting to open up to me." Amaryllis said. She didn't want her friend to feel guilty for leaving. Cameron deserves to be happy.

"Okay. Don't forget to write me, or call!" Cameron said as she bent down to pick up her suitcase.

"I won't as long as you don't forget either."

"Bye, Amaryllis!" Cameron said one last time before turning around and walking out the main castle doors. When the doors closed, Amaryllis watched through the windows until the car was too far gone to see.

Amaryllis felt odd, like a piece of her was missing. And a piece of her was missing. She and Cameron had grown very close over their time together, and Amaryllis was going to miss her deeply. However, she was even more happy that Cameron got the chance to be with those she loved, rather than being here.

Amaryllis wiped away the rest of the tears that were threatening to fall before turning away from the entrance of the castle. Goodbyes really sucked.

She rounded the corner of the hallway and saw Ulric walking in her direction. She wanted to wave but didn't know if she should or not. She didn't think they were close enough for her to wave at him yet.

Instead, she walked passed him, hoping he would stop her to say hello or something like that. But he did not. She continued walking until large, rough hands pinned her up against the hallway wall.

She looked up into black eyes as Ulric stared down at her. "What, are you not going to acknowledge me, little mate?"

"I-I didn't think you would want me to because no one knows about... anything yet," Amaryllis said. She could feel her own heart rate increasing due to his proximity.

Ulric stared into her eyes for a few moments longer before dropping his head into the crook of her neck. He inhaled deeply and a groan of pleasure escaped his lips.

"Your scent is magnificent," he said as he pushed Amaryllis's body farther up against the wall with his own body.

"Ulric, what if someone sees?" Amaryllis questioned worriedly.

"I will be able to hear and smell if someone is coming. Besides, I'm their king. The matters of my mate and my personal life are not up to their jurisdiction," he growled. If anyone had opposition to his human mate, they could take it up with him.

Ulric grabbed Amaryllis's hands and pushed them above her head and against the wall. He bit at her skin right above the joint between her neck and shoulder.

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