Epilogue Part 2

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"Wake up little girl," Ulric whispered into her ear. She groaned and shoved her face further into the pillow. "Wake up," he whispered again.

She shook her head. "I'm tired and pregnant," she whined. "Leave me be."

She heard Ulric quietly laugh against her ear. "I know, but you've been in bed for hours and you need to get up and walk around some because if you don't, your back will start cramping soon."

She rolled her eyes, knowing he was right. She often complained about back pain due to her pregnancy. Ulric helped her sit up and then pulled her off the bed. "I'm so ready for this baby to come out," she said. She wanted more than anything to be able to sit up without struggling.

"You are adorable pregnant," he said.

"I'm glad someone thinks so."

"Don't talk badly about yourself, Amaryllis."

"Sorry, sorry," she said.

They walked downstairs and Amaryllis made a few laps around the house before sitting down at the kitchen table. "I'll make you some lunch. Do you want anything specific?"

"Popcorn with peanut butter on it, please."

Ulric sighed. "That's not sustainable food, little mate."

"Please," she begged, giving him a puppy dog face.

He turned his back to her and flicked the burner of the stove on. Then he put a pan on the stove and started to butter some bread. Then he put cheese on the bread and placed it into the pan. That wasn't popcorn.

He made her a grilled cheese sandwich and placed it in front of her. "Eat," he said. She groaned, but picked the sandwich up anyway. He'd been extraordinarily pushy about her eating, about how much she ate, when she ate, what kind of foods she ate. He was practically fattening her up and she hated it, but she knew he was doing it to make sure the baby was getting everything he or she needed. He was paranoid about that.

After a few minutes, he placed a bowl of popcorn with melty peanut butter drizzled on it in front of her. Her eyes lit up. "Thank you!" She exclaimed. Popcorn with peanut butter on it had become one of her pregnancy cravings, one she wanted all the time.

"You're welcome," he said, taking a seat beside her. He reached over and tucked some hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too." Her words were muffled because she had a mouth full of popcorn.

After she ate, she stood up and walked around the house some more before stepping out on the front porch. A hawk flying above the trees caught her attention and she barely noticed the water running down her legs until she heard a sound similar to water leaking from a spicket.

She looked around, trying to find where the noise was coming from. Then a breeze blew by and her legs felt cold. She looked down only to realize that her pants were soaked. Her mouth fell open as she saw water dripping from her pants, falling onto the wooden porch.

She opened the door to the house and walked through. "What's that noise?" Ulric asked as he walked down the stairs from being upstairs in their bedroom changing his clothes. He made eye contact with her and noticed her soaked pants.

"Oh shit," he said. "It's time."

Amaryllis nodded her head. "Um, what do we do?" She asked. She really wasn't sure. Does she change first? Does she go to the hospital right now? Shower? She wasn't sure.

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