The Real Deal

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"I didn't mean to make you angry yesterday," Amaryllis said as she hugged her knees close to her chest while watching Ulric tug a shirt over his beautiful body. A light pink tinted her cheeks as she looked at her mate's lean and muscular frame.

"What do you mean?" Ulric questioned, running a hand through his disheveled hair. He looked at his mate with a pink blush on her cheeks as she stared at him from her position on the bed.

"When I flinched back, you thought that I thought you were going to hit me," she replied.

Ulric let out a deep sigh and walked over to the bed. He gently grabbed her healing wrist in his hand and looked it over.

"I wasn't angry at you, Amaryllis. I was upset. I was angry at myself, angry at whoever caused you to have that reaction. I wasn't angry at you," he said, his voice still husky with sleepiness.

"Oh," she said as she thought over his words.

He wasn't angry at me?

"I know you won't hurt me or hit me, but it's just a natural instinct to me when I feel threatened to cower away," the young girl explained softly.

Her eyes darkened and grew sad as she thought about the memory that instilled this fear inside of her.

Ulric noticed and lightly traced his fingertips over her face, subconsciously trying to soothe his mate.

"A few years ago when I was 15, I was standing in line to get into the grocery store on one of the days that they were selling red meat." She recalled. Meat was a very scarce luxury for humans and whenever the vampires allowed them to sell small portions of it in the grocery stores, people went crazy for it. The vampires said that they wanted the human blood to be as healthy as possible, and meat was part of the necessary food group, so it was occasionally sold.

"My parents were both sick with the flu and my brother's ankle was broken because he stepped off of the front steps wrong, so my parents asked if I would go and wait in line to buy the food. There were guards patrolling the area as normal, making sure we were behaving and whatnot. These girls behind me, girls who had hated me ever since the uprising, thought it would be funny to push me out of line right as a guard was walking by." Amaryllis gulped and took a deep breath.

Amaryllis didn't even know she had done it, but she had her fists wrapped around Ulric's shirt and was sliding her body even closer to his. She didn't like talking about that day, but the comfort and support that her mate provided made it easier to talk about.

"I really don't even know why those girls hated me, I think it was some type of need for power because us humans had none in our vampire dominated society. So I guess they figured they would gain power and some type of status by bullying me. I think they picked me to be the target because I really didn't have many friends, so I guess they thought I was weird or something." By this point, Amaryllis had moved so close to Ulric that her face was almost touching his midriff.

Ulric didn't mind though. He could tell that his mate needed comfort, and he subconsciously offered that comfort by not pulling away from her.

"The guard then pushed me to the ground and started beating me. He kicked me all over my body; in the face, stomach, and all over my legs. He stood over top of me and started hitting my face with his hands while he continued to kick my sides. I'm pretty sure he was going to kill me, but some other guard pulled him off of me. I don't know why, but I'm glad that he did. I had bruises for weeks and a few of my ribs were broken from where he had kicked me so hard. It was awful," Amaryllis recalled as she shivered from the memory.

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