His Lap

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"He kissed me," Amaryllis said quietly to Cameron as they packed Cameron's stuff up. She didn't have many things, but she was bringing with her the things she had accumulated over the years like clothes and hygiene products.

She was leaving in three days to go back to her home town to work at the blood bank. Amaryllis was going to miss her friend dearly, but she was very excited for Cameron. Amaryllis would love the opportunity to see her own family again, even if it was just for a little while.

"Who?" She asked.

"The King."

"The King?" Cameron screeched.

"Shhh. I don't want anyone to hear. And don't tell anyone okay?" Amaryllis demanded. She didn't want people to know. It was her and Ulric's business, not anyone else's, but she was too excited about it to not tell Cameron.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone! Now give me details," she squealed.

"Well I was in the kitchen two nights ago, and it was very late. He came back and just started talking about things and then he asked if I was a virgin. And then he started kissing my neck and touching me, and he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me!" Amaryllis said as a blush crawled up her neck, remembering what happened two nights ago.

"Oh my gosh!" Cameron whisper yelled.

"But that's not even the best part. Then he told me that I was his. What does that even mean?" She questioned.

"I have no idea," Cameron said with a shrug. "But it seems like the King has a thing for you," she giggled.

Amaryllis blushed even more. Did the king have a thing for me, she thought to herself. But she wasn't sure. It had been two days since Ulric had kissed her, and she hadn't seen him once!

Once the girls finished packing up Cameron's stuff, they parted ways for the day as Cameron had chores to attend to around the castle.

Ulric once again hadn't given her any tasks to complete, so Amaryllis walked toward the kitchen to see if any of the ladies there needed help with anything.

On her way to the kitchen, a guard she had never seen before strolled around the corner. Amaryllis tried to move out of his way and walk around him, but he stood in front of her.

"Amaryllis Westbay?" He asked.

"Yes," she nodded as a tight knot formed in her stomach. What did he want with her? Was she in trouble?

"King Posillico wants to see you immediately in his office," he said. Amaryllis let out a sigh of relief, she thought the guard might have been rude to her or might have tried to do something to her.

"Okay, I will go immediately," Amaryllis said as she walked past the guard. Now she wondered what Ulric wanted with her. Maybe it was about the kiss, she thought. But then again, he didn't seem too interested in that because he hadn't talked to her in two days.

The guard traveled behind Amaryllis a few feet away. King Posillico ordered him to deliver her to him within the next few minutes, but not to touch her. He was only supposed to take her to the king's office to make sure she got there quickly and without being hurt in any way. The guard was promised with harsh threats of what would happen to him if he touched the girl.

When Amaryllis arrived at the office doors, she turned and smiled at the guard. She was thankful he followed behind her during the walk because she would get creeped out sometimes when she passed by vampires. She was a human after all.

Amaryllis knocked on the door and waited. "Come in," a gruff voice said behind the large wooden doors.

She opened the door, huffing at how much energy she had to exert to push the door open. It was very heavy.

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