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Amaryllis was awoken around six hours later when Reynold shook her shoulder. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Shut up," Reynold hissed. "Someone's here."

He picked Amaryllis up, wrapping one arm around her back and the other around the backside of her knees. She moaned in pain when her head was knocked around. It was still extraordinarily tender.

Reynold opened up a door and quietly closed it behind them before carefully walking down a case of rickety old stairs. He must be afraid of someone for him to be rushing around as he was, Amaryllis noted. Was Ulric there to take her home?

Reynold dropped her body gently on the floor, then went to stand by the door that led outside. He leaned his head against it and Amaryllis assumed that meant he was trying to hear if someone was there.

Amaryllis heard a creaky door open from upstairs but heard nothing else otherwise. The vampires were extremely stealthy.

The basement door must've opened because she heard someone step onto the rickety staircase because the wood squealed under their weight. Reynold grabbed Amaryllis in a flash and ran out the basement door.

"Ulric!" She screamed. She wasn't even sure if it was Ulric who was there. It very well could've been a band of thieves, but she just had a feeling deep within her soul that it was him.

Reynold did not make it far before a large, shadowy figure appeared in front of them. She felt Reynold's body go eerily still. She looked up and saw the face of the person standing in front of them. It was her mate!

Amaryllis immediately began struggling in Reynold's arms despite the intense pain in her head. "Ulric," she whimpered and reached her hands out for him.

"Put the girl down," Ulric growled. It was a horrifying tone and she was thankful it wasn't directed at her. "No," Reynold responded. "She's mine!" 

Ulric released a fearsome roar like sound before he pounced on Reynold. It happened so fast her brain couldn't even comprehend it. All of a sudden she was falling backward in Reynold's arms and then in the very next moment she was ripped from them and held tightly in the arms of her mate.

"Ulric," she breathed out in pure relief.

"Stay here," Ulric said. He positioned her body beside a tree before turning around to Reynold. Amaryllis watched her mate pick the smaller man up and toss him multiple feet into the air before crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

Then he lifted Reynold up again and slammed him against the trunk of a nearby tree. He let Reynold's body slide down the tree until he could grasp Reynold's neck in his hand. Then he pinned Reynold's neck against the tree and repeatedly punched him over and over. Amaryllis cringed and looked away when blood started flying. She knew how intense it was when vampires started to bleed faster than they could heal.

She looked over and saw another shady figure standing a few feet away watching the scene unfold in front of them. She squinted her eyes and recognized the person as Thierry.

Reynold attempted to block Ulric's blows with his hands, but his attempts were futile as Ulric easily knocked them away. "Ulric," she called out. She wanted him to hold her and comfort her. He'd been pounding on Reynold enough for the time being.

He didn't stop though. He continued to pound his fist into Reynold's face blow after blow. "Ulric," she called again. "Ulric!"

Finally, after calling his names a few times, he looked up at her. She could see in his eyes that it was like a spell had been broken. He immediately turned around from Reynold's body and walked toward her. He reached down and picked her up, wrapping his arms around her as she wrapped her legs around him. She buried her face in his neck and breathed his scent in.

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