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Amaryllis left Ulric's office and wasn't sure what to do with herself. She didn't have a chore to do, but she didn't want to go back to Ulric's quarters either.

She found her self standing by the castle doors looking out through the window at the lovely garden.

She pushed open the doors and began walking toward the garden. It was beautiful. There were pebbled pathways leading all though it and luscious greenery that she had never seen before grew beautifully all through the place.

In the middle of the garden was a sort of roundabout with a fountain in the middle and benches surrounding it. Then she walked further and had to go under an arch that was covered in leaves. It was like walking through a tree into some mystical land.

As she walked on, she saw a little pond with statues surrounding it. The statues shot streams of water into the pond. She passed by other statues of things that she didn't know what they were. She stopped and sat down in a gazebo for a while and enjoyed all of the lovely floral scents before starting in her walk again.

Finally, she got to a cobblestone arched bridge that was built over a wide creek. Thierry was standing there looking over the water. He looked up when Amaryllis got closer and shot her a small smile.

"Hello, Thierry," she said, hoping things weren't awkward between them. She didn' t want to lose one of the only friends she had in the castle.

"Hi, Amaryllis."

"I hope you aren't angry with me," she said as she stepped on to the bridge.

"Angry with you? I'm not angry with you. I'm worried that you are angry with me."

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes, I did. I yelled at you when you didn't deserve it, and I'm sorry. I was just angry at Ulric. You are truly a wonderful girl and yet he treats you like you don't matter to him whatsoever." Thierry said.

Amaryllis walked closer and placed her hand on Thierry's arm. "I'm not mad at you. I appreciate that you stood up for me in fact. But he doesn't treat me badly all the time. When I fell and hurt myself he took me to the hospital to make sure I was okay and he's letting me live with him. He doesn't make me do many chores, the only thing I mostly do is just make sure that my room is clean," Amaryllis said. Ulric really wasn't as bad as she thought he was when she first met him. He was being much nicer to her then than ever before.

"That's good, I don't want you to be upset with me. Ulric is a good guy, he's just going about it the wrong way," Thierry said.

"Thierry, do you have a mate?" Amaryllis asked. Thierry's eyes widened and he looked at her in shock.


"Do you have a mate? My friend Travis told me about mates and I was wondering if you had one."

"I didn't know that you knew about mates."

"I only found out a few days ago."

Thierry nodded his head, "Yes, I do have one."

Amaryllis gasped. "Won't she be upset that you've been talking to me like this then?"

"No it will be okay, she's a very nice girl, she will understand."

"That's good. What's her name?"


"Awe. Where is she? I've never met her before."

"She is in a coma."

"A coma! What happened!"

"She's a werewolf, an omega, do you know what that is?" Thierry asked.

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