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"Are you okay?" Amaryllis asked her brother. He'd been acting weird all day and he kept making faces like he was in pain.

He nodded his head as he ground his teeth together. "Luca, I think we should take you to a doctor," she said. She reached out to grab his arm but he made an almost inhuman growling sound before he snatched his hand away.

"Did you just growl at me?" She asked.

Right before her, she saw her brother beginning to change. The colors in his eyes were swirling together to create a new color and he made more of the awful growling noises.

"Ulric!" She screamed. She was afraid, afraid of what was happening to her brother and afraid of what he might do to her.

In an instant, Ulric was at her side. He pushed her back, away from his brother, and called out for Darrien. Darrien appeared quickly after and took notice of what was happening to Luca.

They were outside already, her and Luca had been walking around the gardens together. Darrien gently picked her brother up and carried him to an open space in the yard, not crowded by plant life. Luca didn't try to rip away from Darrien's touch as he did to her's.

"What's happening?" She asked worriedly as her brother rolled around on the grass in pain.

"He's transitioning," Ulric said.


"Into a werewolf."

"A werewolf? He's not a werewolf! He's a human," she exclaimed. How could he possibly be a werewolf?

"I don't know how, but he's transitioning. I could smell it on him last night when he was at the house."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. She would've liked to know her brother was a werewolf all of a sudden.

"I didn't recognize it at first until you said about him and Darrien beings mates. Then it all clicked, but you jumped me and said you wanted me to distract you. We were busy all day today, I didn't want to stress you out even more than you already were," he said as he watched Darrien and Luca in front of him. 

Amaryllis was pulled from her thoughts when an agonizing scream ripped from Luca. She wanted to run to him and comfort him, but she didn't think he would want that at the moment.

"What's. Happening. To me?" Luca groaned out.

"You're transitioning into a werewolf," Darrien replied as he traced a comforting hand down Luca's face.

"A werewolf?" Luca groaned.

"Yes, Luca. It's a full moon tonight, so the timing is right."

"I'm not a wolf," he said right as he screamed once more and his body seemed to distort. His arm bent at an odd angle and so did the other one immediately after. Then she heard a cacophony of bones snapping and screams. She looked away, hiding her face in Ulric's chest. She couldn't bear to see her brother in so much pain.

"Oh my gosh," she heard a familiar female voice next to her. She looked up and saw Marley and Thierry before hiding her face again.

"I didn't know he was a wolf," she said with surprise.

"I heard screaming, I didn't know it was Luca though," Thierry said.

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