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"Luca, why are you so upset?" Amaryllis asked, sitting on the bed next to him. Luca looked at her, his eyes full of sadness, pain, and anger, but didn't respond.

"Please talk to me, Luca," Amaryllis begged. He was the only one who wouldn't speak to her.

"He's a fucking monster, Ames. He keeps humans as fucking pets. He tortures and oppresses us and here you are, in love with him!"

Amaryllis shook her head. "He's not a monster Luca. He's kind and gentle with me. I know it may not seem like it to you, but he loves me. He doesn't kill humans either. I know we aren't free under him, but he treats the humans well here. He makes sure they are properly cared for. He has laws in place to protect us."

Luca laughed maliciously and shook his head. "You don't understand."

"Tell me then Luca! What do I not understand? I was almost beaten to death by a vampire when I was 15. I was taken here, horrified about the rumors because we were told the humans were used and then killed here. I know what it's like to live in a world where humans aren't the top predator. I do understand! But he also deserves credit where credit is due. Everyone thinks of him as a monster, and maybe they are right to some degree, but he protects humans as well. He's not evil."

Ulric did have a monstrous reputation and some of it was deserved. For example, how he executed the traitors just days ago and how he dealt with his previous mate. However, he wasn't evil. He cared about Amaryllis deeply and he would sacrifice his own life for her, and anyone else in the Kingdom. He was courageous, and loyal, and a fierce protector.

Luca seemed shocked by her exclamation and the anger in his eyes seemed to falter. "I know you don't understand," she started. "You don't have a mate. It's not like a human relationship. It's so much more than that. He is my other half, Luca. I can't imagine my life without him," she said, her voice laced with affection for her mate.

"I don't know if I'll ever understand, but I'm sorry for how I've treated you," Luca said as he stared at his sister apologetically.

"It's okay," Amaryllis said.

"It's not," Luca shook his head. "I was angry, I'm still not exactly happy, but I shouldn't have directed it toward you. I will try to be more open about your... relationship."

"Thank you, Luca."

Luca stood up and pulled Amaryllis into his arms, happy to finally be reunited with his little sister after months. Even as children the siblings were very close and it pained him to be separated from her for so long, not knowing if she was dead or alive.

"I love you," he said and spun her around.

She giggled, "I love you, too."

"Can I see where you live?" Luca asked. He wanted to know everything about his sister's new life, even if he didn't particularly like it.

"Yes," Amaryllis said and grabbed his arm to pull them out of Luca's room in the suite. Her parents were making lunch for themselves in the kitchen when they passed by.

After walking through the hallways, they arrived at the double doors and Amaryllis pushed them open. She walked in first and Luca followed behind.

Ulric came out of the bedroom at the same time Luca and Amaryllis walked in. His wet hair was a disheveled, sexy mess on the top of his head. He looked between her and her brother in confusion. Amaryllis told him where she was going before she left, but he didn't think she'd bring Luca back with her. He tried to tempt her into joining him in the shower, and she was enticed, but she wanted to speak with Luca.

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