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"Look! He's so hot, Amaryllis. And he's staring at me!" Cameron whispered. Amaryllis looked up from what she was doing and saw a royal standing in the back of the dining room with a group of other higher-up vampires.

He was indeed looking at Cameron, but soon glared at  Amaryllis when she looked up, causing her to look away. Those vampires really didn't seem to like her. Probably because they all knew about what happened at the Harvest. The only vampire who didn't seem to hate her was Theirry.

The man Cameron was talking about was good looking. He was tall and built, but he still had nothing on the being that Amaryllis was currently living with. No one would ever be able to beat Ulric.

"He can probably hear you, Cameron," Amaryllis said. Cameron shrugged her shoulders, playing it off like she wasn't bothered by that fact, but Amaryllis saw the light pink spread over her cheeks.

Thierry, who was standing in the group of Royals, broke off from the group and approached her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

Cameron and Amaryllis were preparing the dining room for the big feast that night. Once every few months, a large feast was held for the vampires of the castle.

"Setting up for dinner tonight," Amaryllis replied like it was completely obvious.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't be doing anything. Your wrist is broken," Thierry said, glancing down at the girl's wrist.

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. "Quit worrying about me Thierry. King Ulric is giving me light tasks to do for the next few weeks."

"He shouldn't be giving you anything to do," he said and then mumbled something under his breath that she couldn't hear.

"Hello, Cameron," Thierry greeted. She smiled up at him, "Hi!" Thierry wasn't like the rest of these brooding vampires in this castle. He was warm and friendly and didn't despise humans like the rest of them.

"I see you looking at Sayer," Thierry said and waggled his eyebrows at her. Cameron blushed and turned away. "No I wasn't," she said as she walked away from us.

"She definitely was," I said.

After Cameron and Amaryllis finished setting up the tables, there was an hour left before the dinner. Amaryllis walked back to Ulric's quarters.

Ulric was standing in the middle of the living room when she walked in. He wasn't ready for the dinner yet as he was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He still looked so, so handsome.

"Hello," she said. She felt awkward to not greet him when he clearly knew she was there.

The King didn't look up from his phone, it looked like he was texting somebody. Amaryllis lingered a few moments longer to see if he would respond, but she walked away toward her room when he didn't.

She entered her room and closed the door. All she wanted to do was change out of her work clothes and fall asleep even though it was only six o'clock.

After she got dressed into her night shirt and pants, there was a loud banging on her door. She walked out of the bathroom from where she had just brushed her teeth and opened the door.

Ulric was standing there, clad in a suit and tie, looking amazing as always. His entire body took up the doorway.

"I'm leaving now. There are leftovers for you in the kitchen since you didn't eat dinner. Come back here immediately after you eat, you aren't to walk around the castle," he said.

Amaryllis nodded, "okay."

Ulric stared at her for a second longer before walking away. A few minutes later she heard the front door open and close.

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