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By the time Amaryllis had made it through the town, it was still pitch black outside. She had already been stared at from wandering vampires. Stares of disgust and hate. She felt ashamed of herself for being, what? A human?

Amaryllis, lost in thought,  jumped as she felt a hand grab the back of her shirt and pull her back. Frightened, she tried to pull away, but the person pulled her back. It's was not King Ulric.

She was forced to look at the person when they walked in front of her. Standing in her field of view, a seemingly younger vampire boy with shaggy blonde hair stood in front of her. He was a few inches taller than herself.

Drips of blood painted his mouth, and long black claws elongated from his nails. His eyes were a deep crimson, much darker than they should be; indicating he was feeling a very heavy emotion, like hunger.

His fangs were elongated. Sharp white points extended from his gums and were directed toward Amaryllis's neck.

Amaryllis sucked in a deep breath as she took in the boy's appearance. He didn't have much muscle, and he looked quite young and not very mature.

He didn't look like the kind of vampire that could easily control their hunger. "Well don't you look tasty," the vampire said, a sinister smile on his lips. His voice wasn't very deep.

Amaryllis shook her head and backed up, looking for an escape route. "Trying to run?" He questioned. "But we were just about to have some fun," he sneered. "Hey, that rhymed."

He reached out and gripped the girl's wrist in an excruciatingly tight manner. 

What is up with all of these vampires treating me like I am a rag doll?

"Don't you want to have some fun?" The boy asked, faking an innocent look.

Amaryllis wasn't sure what to do. She couldn't try to fight off a vampire, and she couldn't call for help. The only people around were vampires and they would probably want to join in on killing the young human girl.

She tried prying the boy's hand off of her wrist, but she couldn't get it to budge. His grip was deathly tight.

"Please let go," she whimpered. She would much rather be in the grasp of the King.

"I don't think so," the boy laughed. He turned and started walking down a narrow alley. She ground her feet into the cobblestone road, but her efforts were useless.

They entered the alleyway and walked about ten feet down before she was pushed against a wall of the building beside them.

She yelped as her head roughly smacked against the brick wall. "Are you going to be a screamer," the vampire asked with a sickening laugh.

She looked around wildly, looking for anyone to help her, but no one was around this part of the town.

The vampire gripped Amaryllis's chin and forced it up, exposing her neck. She tried to move her head, but his grip was too hard.

She saw his eyes flash an even darker red, as his opened his mouth, his fangs exposed again.

His face leaned in towards Amaryllis's neck. She braced herself to feel the searing pain of razor-sharp points burying themselves self into her skin, but the pain never came.

King of The VampsWhere stories live. Discover now