First Time

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"Ulric!" She screamed when his tongue made contact with her center. One of his hands harshly pinned her thighs down while the other bound both of her wrists against the bed.

She tried to writhe her body around to create some type of relief, but his strong arms had her pinned to the mattress. All she could do was open her legs impossibly further to give him more room.

His lips clasped around her bundle of nerves and her legs spasmed hard enough that she wrapped them around his head to get them to stop shaking. "Ulric!" She moaned again.

Just as she was about to find her release, Ulric pulled his head away. She almost cried from the frustration. "What? What are you doing?" She gasped. The tension in her body was too much.

Ulric licked his lips off of her juices and bent to kiss her neck. "Punishing you."

"Ulric I need you," she whined, rubbing her legs together to find some relief, but it wasn't working.

"I know you do, little mate." He said while continuing to kiss her neck. "Don't fight your punishment Amaryllis."

He reached down and cupped her breast in his hand, gently fondling it. Then he roughly pinched her nipple in between his fingers.

Amaryllis gasped from the unexpected pain and pleasure mixture of his hard pinch. It sent a jolt of need straight to her core. "Please," she begged, pushing on his shoulders to let him know she wanted him back between her legs.

"Needy little girl, aren't you?" Ulric said right before he bit down on her other nipple.

"Oh!" She arched her back, trying to keep him as close as possible to her body.

He bit her nipple one last time before pulling his mouth away and staring at her with a breathtaking smile. His smile made her heart flutter.

Then his smile dropped as he spread her legs back open and dipped his head between them once more. She moaned in surprise when she felt his finger enter her channel. "Ulric," she gasped when he added another finger and curled them inside her.

Once again, right as she was on the brink of release, he pulled his fingers out and quit touching her altogether.

"Why," she cried while trying to push his hand back down.

"No no no," he chastised.

"Take your punishment, little mate. Do not fight me. Or I'll make it worse than you want it to be," he warned. She wanted to growl in frustration, but she simply nodded her head.

"Good girl," he praised, kissing up her jaw. He moved his lips down her neck and she felt a familiar scratching sensation. His fangs were out.

She bent her neck slightly to increase the contact between her skin and his mouth. "Needy little thing," he commented right before plunging his fangs into the soft skin of her neck.

"Ohhh!" She screamed when his fangs pierced her neck. Not from pain, from intense and overwhelming pleasure. His hand slid back between her thighs where he flicked over her sensitive button with his thumb.

Her moans and cries of pleasure were insatiable as pleasure overwhelmed her body. Her senses were completely consumed by him. All she could smell was him, all she could see was him, all she could hear were the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear while he tortured her body.

Finally, as she was about to orgasm for the first time that night, Ulric removed his fangs and thumb. Tears escaped her eyes from both the disappointment and the ridiculous amount of sexual tension she was writhing in.

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