He's Alive

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Amaryllis huffed as she walked toward the dining room for dinner. She missed lunch as she was busy cleaning up Ulric's bedroom and she was starving. She didn't feel right this morning either; she felt like something was missing or something was wrong, so she stayed in her room and didn't eat breakfast.

She was thankful to finally be getting some food in her stomach.

While the King's room wasn't messy - he was quite an organized person - she got caught up in the whole cleaning process. She gathered up everything that was scattered around his quarters and put them all back in places they seemed that they should go. She picked up his dirty clothes and washed and folded them all. She also swept, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted. She was pleased with the final result when she was finished.

As Amaryllis was walking toward the dining hall, she saw a couple in the distance walking closer. There were a girl and a boy, the girl was average height and the boy was a few inches taller than her. As they got closer, Amaryllis couldn't keep her eyes off of the boy, he looked very familiar.

She discreetly stared at the couple as they got closer, not wanting them to notice her rudeness. When they finally got a few feet within Amaryllis, she locked eyes with the boy. They both had shocked expressions on their faces as they saw each other.

The moment was gone as soon as it had come, though, because they walked away. The girl was a vampire, as portrayed by her eyes, but not a royal. The boy, however, was human. In fact, he was her old best friend Travis.

She wanted to look back, but before she could, someone called her name.

Amaryllis looked up to see who it was. In front of her stood Cameron with a beaming smile on her face.

How could anyone be happy in a place like this, Amaryllis thought to herself.

Cameron caught up with Amaryllis and matched her pace.

"What has you so happy?" Amaryllis wondered.

"Oh, nothing," the girl giggled. Amaryllis shrugged her shoulders, though still curious about what caught her excitement.

"Okay, I will tell you!" She exclaimed. She grasped onto Amaryllis's arm. "I think I'm getting a promotion!"

Amaryllis looked at her with a confused expression. How would she get a promotion? Like as in a job?

"I know, I know. You think I'm crazy, but I'm not! I've heard some of the vampires talking about some of the girls that have been here for a while moving to a new job to make room for newer people." Cameron said with much enthusiasm.

"Well, why do you want one? Is your job really that bad?" Amaryllis asked.

"No, but I've been a maid forever now, and I really want something new. Maybe I'll get to work at a blood bank. I don't really like the look of blood that much, but maybe I could work at the one in my hometown. I could see my family!"

Amaryllis nodded and followed Cameron into the dining room. "Well I hope it works out for you," she said.

Once a month, humans above the age of 18 had to go to a blood drive where they donated blood. Vampires needed it to survive, of course. Humans were usually trained in drawing blood and worked the blood banks.

Cameron was a really sweet girl and she deserved to see her family again. Amaryllis wanted to know why Cameron was there but didn't know if they were close enough to ask such a personal question again.

"Do we have to give blood here?" Amaryllis asked as she sat down on the other side of the table from Cameron.

She shook her head. "No, we just do the chores and stuff here. The only humans that give blood are the villagers."

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