Buck Naked

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Amaryllis woke up sometime in the mid-morning after having the best sleep she had ever had. She had never felt more at peace and relaxed than she ever had before that night with her mate wrapped around her.

When she woke up, she was lying on her back with one hand laying on on the bed near her side and the other entwined with Ulric's. He was laying on top of her - buck naked. His chin rested in the top of her head and his one leg was thrown across her lower body. His arm was splayed across her breasts, the other was tucked under his head.

She felt his morning... hardness... pressing against her. She blushed as she remembered the night before when he had given her her first orgasm. She couldn't believe that she actually allowed herself to go through with that, but she didn't regret it.

"What are you blushing about?" Amaryllis heard a deep, husky voice say from above her. She jumped a little in the bed as she wasn't expecting him to have been awake.

"You scared me," she replied, placing her hand over her racing heart.

She took a deep breath to calm down a little bit. "I was thinking about... last night," she answered as she subconsciously began stroking his large bicep with her fingers.

"Did you enjoy it," he asked as he moved his hand that was over her chest down to grab her hip.

He saw her face redden even further. He knew she enjoyed it, that much was obvious, but he wanted to see what her reply would be.

"Yes," she whispered with a nod.

"Good," he said, running his hand up and down her hip.

"So w-what are you doing t-today?" Amaryllis asked with a stutter. She wasn' t exactly sure how to act around him, and she didn't know if she should be asking such a personal question.

"Training more of the fledglings," he replied. "Then Thierry and I are meeting to discuss new soldier rankings among the troops."

Amaryllis nodded her head in response, not sure what to say after that. She didn't know much about Ulric or his interests, so she had nothing to comment on.

She didn't realize it until then, but Ulric's body was basically crushing her. Half of him was laying on top of her while the other half of him laid on the bed. He was quite a heavy man due to how large he was. While she couldn't breathe as well as normal, she enjoyed the feeling of him laying on top of her. There was an intimacy about it that she liked.

Amaryllis moved her hand up around his neck and splayed it out in between his shoulder blades. She felt Ulric tense up above her, but before she could ask what was wrong, he jumped up from her.

"I'm-I'm sorry," She said as she stared at her hand, wondering what happened.

"It's fine. Just don't," he said through gritted teeth. His fists clenched and his body was tense. What did she do, she wondered?

Ulric walked into the closet and gripped his hands in his hair, pulling sharply. He was exhausted from trying to fight the mate-pull, he could no longer continue. He'd even admitted that to Amaryllis yesterday, but he still wasn't exactly ready for everything that came with having a mate - especially the intimacy.

Last night he had given her her first orgasm and he hadn't thought much of it since they were both in the mood. But just now, when he wasn't expecting it, she was gentle with him, treating him like a mate should treat a mate when she wrapped her arm around him. He wasn't prepared for it. He wouldn't admit it to her, but it freaked him out.

Yes, their encounter last night was very intimate, but he was also prepared and he was the one who initiated it. However, just then when they weren't feeling sexual, when she just acted out like that, initiating something when he wasn't prepared, it was different. He hadn't felt the intimacy of a mate like that since... well since her.

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