The Castle

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As the car pulled away from the life she had known for the past ten years, Amaryllis could not control the wave of both sadness and fear that washed over her. While her life wasn't the greatest, she wished more than anything that someone would jump out and tell her this was all a joke.

She was also scared. She feared what the near future held for her. She knew she would never see her family ever again. She knew she would die in the castle.

She looked around the car, glancing at the rest of the girls. The oldest girl in the car was twenty-four years old and her name was Amanda. Her head was resting in her lap as her shoulders shook. Amaryllis knew this must be hard for Amanda because she just recently got engaged.

She then looked at Danielle. Her face was tear-stained, but she was no longer crying. Instead, her whole body was shaking in fear and she showed expressions of depression.

Amaryllis turned her body and rested her head against the window, peering out at the trees blurring by. She didn't want to cry in front of the other girls, but she could no longer hold her emotions in. A few stray tears traitorously rolled down her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away.

As she continued looking out of the window, her mind drifted back to memories of past times, times before the vampires. She thought of her old best friend, Travis. Amaryllis and Travis were childhood best friends because both of their fathers grew up together.

They were both the same age and went to the same school. They were inseparable as children. They had sleepovers at each others' houses all the time.

When Amaryllis was younger, she thought Travis was a cute boy, but she never had a crush on him. He was like her second brother. Besides, she also thought he had cooties.

Amaryllis missed her old best friend. When the vampires came to town, Travis' family openly defied the vampires by talking back to them in public. As punishment, they had to choose between death and serving the vampires in the kingdom. Travis' father was very radical and chose death, but his mother took Travis and they went to serve in the castle.

When she found out that Travis had to leave, she cried for days. But a few months after, Amaryllis met Nicole and Sophie and school. They helped her heal from the incident and soon after meeting them, she didn't think about Travis as much.

Amaryllis still thought about Travis every once in a while, but not as much as she did when she was younger. She had a slight hope that Travis would still be alive and living at the castle, but she knew she was delusional. No human survived that long in the vampire castle.

For the majority of the ride, Amaryllis thought about the good times with family and friends. She thought about the times before the vampires took over and oppressed the humans.

The ride took quite a while, around twelve hours because the kingdom was a few states over from where Amaryllis lived.

Most of the girls fell asleep during the ride due to exhaustion from crying. Amaryllis just stared out of the window the whole time. She was too overwhelmed and anxious to sleep.

Soon night time came and before she knew it, the car was pulling up to a long paved driveway. They were in the middle of nowhere. She hadn't seen a house in miles. The only things visible were trees, fields, and mountains.

The car started up the driveway and within moments, the kingdom village was in sight. There were houses spread out and some dirt paths leading to different places. She saw in the distance a dirt path that led to a pond. Other paths led to certain entrances in the woods. She saw vampires walking around into shops. The village was not congested though. There was space for buildings and each of the houses had a nice yard.

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