Bonus Chapter- Luca & Darrien

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Brant pulled off a backroad onto a gravel driveway. The driveway seemed to last forever until they finally arrived at a massive house. Luca looked around and could see a few of the other houses branching out across the general area. Gravel paths led to them all.

He looked away from the house in front of him when the car door beside him opened. It was Darrien. Luca stepped out of the car and stretched his legs. There were a few people walking around, some stopped to look at him.

"What is this?" He asked Darrien in amazement.

"This is a packhouse. There are a few more like it around," he said.

"Do you live there?" Luca asked.

"I do for now, but you and I will be moving into our own house soon."

Luca looked around, feeling slightly weird by the number of people watching him. More people had gathered around the area. "They're excited for the new Luna of the pack," Darrien revealed.

"Luna? Isn't that what a female is called?"

"I'm the alpha. There can't be two alphas so you are the male Luna. They are happy to finally have one. The pack thrives best when the positions of power are filled, and we've been waiting for you."

Luca nodded his head. "Interesting."

"I know it must be weird now, but you'll get used to our dynamic. Follow me."

Darrien walked into the packhouse in front of them. He ascended the stairs to the third floor and pulled open a door. Luca walked through and saw it was a bedroom that smelled heavily of Darrien, a scent he could bask in for the rest of his life.

"You'll be staying here, with me."

"We um... we are going to share the same bed?"

"Yes," Darrien answered, leaving no room for argument.

Luca looked around and saw the Brant had already brought his bags up. "The bathroom is through that door," Darrien said pointing to a door on the left side of the room. "And the closet is right through there," he said, pointing behind him.

The room was very large. There was a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, a fireplace and mantle on the wall in front of the bed. There were chairs on either side of the fireplace. There were even glass doors that opened up to a balcony on the right side of the room.

"This is a nice room," Luca observed as he traced his hand over the soft comforter on the bed.

"I'm glad you like it," Darrien responded.

Luca looked up and noticed Darrien had come to stand very close to him without him even noticing. He gulped, feeling tingles at their close proximity.

"I ahh, I need to go to the bathroom," Luca said and tried to walk past Darrien. However, Darrien detected his lie and grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to stop.

"You're very cute," Darrien said huskily as he trailed the pad of his thumb over Luca's features. Luca's cheeks flamed at the compliment.

"Have you ever been with a man before?" Darrien asked.

Luca shook his head. "You're the first guy I've ever kissed. I've never even been with... a girl before either. Not the full way," he revealed his face on fire. Girls had gone down on him before, but he'd never done more than kiss them or touch their boobs. He had no desire to be in their hoo-has. "What about you?"

Darrien nodded his head. "I've been with men and women."

Luca couldn't help the scrunch of disgust on his face. He didn't want to think about Darrien having sex with other people. It made him extremely jealous.

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