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Ulric tossed and turned for hours; he couldn't sleep. He groaned and sat up in his bed. He knew it wasn't out of the normal for vampires not being able to fall asleep as they didn't need to sleep, but he wanted to that night.

He had felt a pulling for the past two weeks that wouldn't budge. He knew it was from the human, Amaryllis, his mate. The word made him cringe in disgust.

He got up from his bed and stretched his large body out. Then after pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, he opened his bedroom door and walked out of his king's suite.

Absentmindedly, the King followed the path that his heart was telling him to follow. He soon made it to the top of the dungeon entrance and walked down the stairs into the dark hallway.

Ulric even felt a tinge of guilt at how much colder it was in the dungeon than the rest of the castle.

I'll get her a heater, he thought to himself, not even realizing what he was thinking.

He walked down the hallway until he was standing in front of the door to his mate's room. He quietly opened the door. Even if the King didn't know what he was doing, his actions were instinctively in favor of his mate; to better his mate's life; to protect his mate.

He walked into the room and quietly shut the door behind him. His mate was lying there on the bed. She was laying on her side facing him.

Her eyes were closed, her breathing was deep and even, and her heart rate was down; she was asleep.

Urlic admired Amaryllis as she slept. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her strawberry blonde hair was like nothing he had ever seen before. He wondered what it would be like to run his hands through her smooth, thick locks. Her eyes, though closed, were the most beautiful green shade he had ever seen. A darker green circled the outer part of her iris, while a lighter green took up the rest.

Her curvy frame attracted every part of his being to her. Most women wanted to be as thin as possible, as they thought that was the sexiest body type, but Urlic did not want Amaryllis to change. He thought her body was amazing.

He thoughtlessly walked closer to the young girl feeling that pull pull him toward her. He reached his hand out and slowly inched it toward her face. His pointer finger ran down her soft cheek to her chin.

Unconsciously, Amaryllis moved her face in a way to feel the King's touch even more, but that alarmed the man.

In just a second, Ulric snapped out of his daze.

What the fuck am I doing here?

He snatched his hand away from the girl's face and backed up. He yanked the door open and walked out, but let the door close quietly; he didn't want her to know he was there. Who knows what she would think if she discovered that he had come to visit her in the middle of the night. 

Why had I gone down there, the King questioned to himself. He knew there was a pull between him and the girl, but he had never acted on it before.

How could I be so weak? I refuse to be hurt again.

He flew up the stairs to the dungeon and out of the castle doors. He needed to get outside, to be as far away from his mate as possible. He felt as if his skin was burning with the need to be next to her.

He quickly ran away from the castle. He headed toward the wood line and soon broke through it. He didn't stop running until he saw the sun beginning to come up two hours later. The King knew exactly where everything was on his land, so he took a left and headed toward the waterfall that was about a mile away from his position.

King of The VampsWhere stories live. Discover now