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I hope you guys have been enjoying the frequent updates. I've been in a writing mood lately if you couldn't tell!


"I don't think I can watch," Marley groaned as they sat in what was very similar to a stadium. There were bench-like structures carved from the stone of the mountainside that they were sitting on. In front of them, there was a massive arena were Thierry, Ulric, and eight men were standing.

Ulric told Amaryllis before arriving that the arena was built thousands of years ago, when vampires would fight each other to the death. Usually over property battles or ownership of slaves, or traitorous behavior against the kingdom. Today, they had come up with more humane ways to solve those issues, all except for the last one.

Marley squeezed Amaryllis's hand for support and Amaryllis squeezed back to offer her comfort. Amaryllis didn't want to watch either, but she knew that the people of the Kingdom were looking at her as a symbol of leadership now that she was mated to Ulric. Even if she wasn't feeling it on the inside, she tried her best to appear strong on the outside.

"It'll be okay," she assured Marley with a very disingenuous smile. She looked to the sides of her and behind her and saw everyone sitting completely still in grave silence. The arena hadn't been used in many years. The last time it was used was when Ulric assumed the throne and a competitor challenged him.

"Do you think they'll kill them all?" Marley asked.

"I don't know for sure, but if I had to bet, I would say yes."

"Oh gosh," Marley groaned. "Amaryllis, why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the fact that you're a werewolf and I'm some weak human, yet I'm the one trying to calm you down."

"I'm sensitive, okay," Marley huffed. Amaryllis tapped her knee against Marley's and smiled.

"Girls, they are starting," Henderson- one of Ulric's cousins and closer acquaintances- said to the girls. Lawrence usually watched after them if Ulric or Thierry were busy, but Lawrence was down by the arena, waiting to help drag off the bodies. So, Ulric appointed Henderson.

Amaryllis looked around again and saw that the entire stadium was full. People all around the kingdom were required to come to the event today.

"As King of this prevailing kingdom, I don't take lightly to traitors who seek to both topple my rein and steal my mate from me," Ulric boomed.

She heard many gasps arise from the crowd around her. Not all of them were aware that she had been kidnapped by the men on trial.

"Nor do I take it lightly when there were plans to steal General Stirks betrothed." More gasps from the crowd.

"Treason is one thing, an attack against us, but to attack the mates of those you have issues with is a weak man's move," Thierry said.

"Today will be an artistic portrayal of the consequences derived from such actions," Ulric boomed to the crowd. Shivers went up Amaryllis's spine at the power he exuded.

"Levi and Charlie, come forward," Ulric demanded. Lawrence unshackled the two men from the arena wall, and then locked their two chains together, so they were connected to each other via the chains. They picked themselves up and hesitantly walked toward the two most powerful men in the kingdom.

Amaryllis gulped as anxiousness attacked her mind and body. What were they going to do, she thought to herself.

Levi and Charlie stopped in front of them. Thierry dropped a wooden steak in front of them. "Fight to the death until one of you is the lone survivor. Or we kill you both," Thierry said.

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