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Amaryllis shot up in bed as she abruptly woke up. Her heart was racing and her breath was coming out in fast pants.

She looked down at her body seeing that she was still clothed. She looked at her body in confusion. She felt no pain between her legs and she wasn't bleeding. Her head no longer hurt and she wasn't on the floor.

It was all a dream.

She almost cried in relief. Her innocence was still intact.

After having regained normal breathing, Amaryllis stood up from her bed, cringing as the cold concrete met her feet.

She walked across the small, dark room and opened the door. She needed to leave her room and breathe for a moment. She also hoped to find a bathroom for her mouth was quite parched.

Amaryllis was still in the clothes she had received the day before. She hoped she would get sleeping clothes because her's were filthy from cleaning the dungeon floors.

From what she saw, there was no bathroom in the dungeons. She headed for the stairs as chills broke out on her skin both from the chilly air and from the thought of being down there with psycho vampires.

As quietly as she could manage, she walked up the winding concrete steps until she reached the top. Amaryllis was met with pristine granite floors. She gulped as she took a tentative step onto the granite. She didn't want to taint such a perfect surface.

She didn't see anybody walking around, nor did she hear anyone. She was glad; she did not feel like being confronted by a vampire.

The castle was dark as most vampires were asleep, in the rooms, or out enjoying the darkness of the night. Enjoying the darkness also included hunting.

Amaryllis wasn't sure what time it was, but it still must have been night time.

She saw doors lining the hallway and Amaryllis hoped one of them was a bathroom. She held her breath as she opened the first door, afraid of opening a door to a vampire's bedroom.

Thankfully it was just a closet of some sort. The next door she opened was the jackpot. She quickly entered the bathroom and locked the door. She didn't dare turn the light on because she didn't want to attract a vampire.

Amaryllis couldn't see, so she felt around with her hands to find the sink. Finally, she felt a counter and then a raised bowl. She assumed the bowl was the sink so she felt around for the faucet.

Finding it, she turned the water on bowed her head. She sighed as the cool water met her tongue. She was badly in need of water. She hadn't drunk anything since the day before at breakfast.

After drinking up some water, Amaryllis sighed and sat down on the floor. She didn't want to go back down to the dungeons. She crossed her legs and held her head up with her hands. Her elbows rested on her knees.

She yawned as tiredness seeped back into her body. She knew she had to leave the bathroom eventually before she fell asleep, but she really didn't want to leave.

Fifteen minutes later, she pulled herself up from the floor and unlocked the bathroom door. She quietly pulled the door open, hoping she wouldn't see anybody out in the hallway.

She cracked the door open and looked around, seeing no one. She was about to take a step out, but then she saw a figure moving toward her. She couldn't tell who it was because it was so dark, but then tingles broke out on her skin. Something called to her, telling her to open the door and go to the person.

It was King Ulric.

She held in her gasp of shock, and quickly but carefully closed the door as to not make any noise.

King of The VampsWhere stories live. Discover now