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Amaryllis lay on the bed as her body quivered in pain. She felt his poison running through her veins, practically catching her on fire as it spread from the inside out.

She outwardly groaned in pain for hours into the night, but to no avail. Ulric didn't come back. She thought of herself as a stupid girl for believing a man like him could care about her. Whatever thought she had of him being her mate was completely tarnished. That monster couldn't care for another person as Travis had explained a mate would.

And yet, deep down - even though she wouldn't admit it to herself- she was intrigued by his mysterious, harsh, violent ways. Maybe she even wanted it to be true after all. Maybe she wanted him to be her mate. Maybe she did want to dance with the devil.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed. After hours of trying to keep her moaning to a minimum, she let out a scream of anger. How could he do this to me, she thought. How could he leave me here when I begged him to stay.

Finally, after several hours, the inferno building in her body was put out. The venom must have been working its way out of her system. Amaryllis sighed in relief as the pain dissipated.

She sat up from the bed. The covers were an absolute mess and looked like two lovers had taken up activities on her bed from how much she rolled around.

Her wrist was in a lot of pain though. With all of her rolling around and trying to find ways to ease the pain, she knocked her broken wrist around quite a bit.

It was early morning by the time she had gotten up. She got dressed and brushed her hair and teeth as well as well as the rest of her morning routine. When she walked out of her room, Ulric was standing there. He hadn't been in the quarters when she had been awake for quite a few weeks.

After seeing him, Amaryllis felt a spark of anger over what she did, but she didn't say anything to him. She didn't want to be punished, so she just kept her mouth shut.

She didn't make eye contact with Ulric as she walked down the hallway. She quickly headed toward the door to leave because breakfast was almost ready to be served and she was starving.

Before she could open the door, Ulric was behind her. He had his hand pressed on the door so she couldn't open it, and he was standing so close to her that she could feel his clothes against her skin.

Goose bumps arouse on her skin. She was afraid. Amaryllis didn't want to appear weak in front of him, but it was hard to not be worked up over what happened the night before. If he wouldn't have come to his senses and pulled away when he did, he probably would have killed her.

"That doesn't look good," he said as he ran his finger around the tender skin on her neck. She saw how bad it looked this morning. Ulric was so overwhelmed about what he had done last night, he had forgotten to heal her wound before he left her.

The skin on her neck was raw and bloody. She tried to wipe the blood off in the bathroom, but it wasn't helping. Blood just kept seeping from the wounds. Her skin was bruised all kinds of colors and it hurt to touch it.

Amaryllis hissed and pulled back as his fingers touched her skin. "Please stop," she said, trying to get away from him. She didn't want to be anywhere near him at the moment.

Ulric looked at her in the eyes, almost telling to her to calm down or that he wasn't going to hurt her before he lowered his head.

Amaryllis tensed up. She wasn't sure what he was going to do. Would her hurt me again, she wondered.

She gasped as she felt his tongue on her severely marred skin. For a second it hurt, and then she began to feel immense relief. She sighed and started to sag against Ulric's body.

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