Enough With The Distractions

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He didn't think much of it until after he had done it. He simply reached down and grabbed her hand, wrapping it in his own without much thought. It felt natural.

He hoped that Amaryllis wasn't hurt by his actions or lack thereof. He hadn't shown any affection toward her publicly before, but not because he was ashamed of her or having a human mate. He was simply still trying to fully grasp the concept of having a mate. He wasn't used to being committed to a woman and it was something he would have to familiarize himself with if he wanted to stay in Amaryllis's good graces.

Not only was he still trying to comprehend having a mate and all that comes along with being in a relationship, but it was also none of their business. His relationship with her was new and enthralling and he wanted to experience it for himself without the judgments of his people. He wanted to have it for himself without their opinions being thrown around the castle as if they had any say in his mateship at all.

It felt nice though, to be able to show his connection to her in public. He felt a sensation of pride flow through his chest. He wanted the whole world to know about his lovely mate.

"What's got you in such a great mood?" Thierry asked when he walked into the room. Rather than his usual emotionless, cold expression, a slight smile was gracing Ulric's lips.

Ulric looked up at him when he entered his office. If anyone else would've asked him that question, he would have told them to mind their business and stay in their place, but Thierry was Ulric's closest friend. They had a different relationship than Ulric had with anyone else.

"Amaryllis," he answered. And that was the truth. She was the reason he was happy. She was the reason that he felt much happier and relaxed rather than being in his usual state of aggravation.

"I like this," Thierry said.

"You like what?"

"This new you. It's a nice change from the grouchy, 'I'll rip your head off if you breathe near me' you," he replied as he stretched his legs out in the chair.

"Well, you can thank Amaryllis for that. Though, I'll still rip your head if you give me a reason to."

"Don't worry, I know," Thierry said.

"How's Marley? Does she want to go back to the pack?"

He shrugged and shook his head. "She's doing a lot better, but she doesn't want to go back. She's afraid and she doesn't want to see any of the pack members after they let this happen to her. I don't blame her, those bastards tortured her, her whole life," he said, growing visibly angry. His fists balled and his jaw clenched as he thought about what those pack members inflicted on his mate.

Ulric nodded. If he was in Thierry's position, he wouldn't want Marley going back either. He would rather she stay on his own land, where he would know she would be safe.

"Do you think she would be willing to spend time with Amaryllis? Ever since Cameron left, she's been isolating herself, and I think it would be good for her to establish friendships here," Ulric asked. "If she's not up to it yet, then we can wait."

"No, she's up to it. All she talks about is how she wants to leave my quarters and come see Amaryllis. I think she's ready to socialize soon too."

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