Hand Holding

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Ulric packed the car up with all of their clothes and things they had brought with them to the house. They were heading back to the castle that day. Ulric had to get back to his duties as king, though he wished he could've stayed in seclusion with his mate for longer.

He heard Amaryllis walking out of the house and heading toward the car in the driveway. What he wasn't expecting was for her to run into his arms the second he turned around.

"Hi," she giggled as she gazed into his eyes. She had a beautiful smile on her face and the sun was hitting her eyes at just the right angle to make her look like a literal angel.

She reached up and kissed his lips as she gripped onto his biceps. When she tried to pull away, Ulric placed his hand on the back of her head and deepened the kiss. He licked her bottom lip and she quickly obliged, opening up for him to slide his tongue in.

"Hello to you too," he replied once they broke apart. Amaryllis was getting more comfortable in front of Ulric. She still had reservations, but she getting more and more daring as they got to understand each other better.

"What?" He asked her. She had a look on her face like she wanted to say something but wasn't sure if she could.

"I don't want to go back," she said after hesitating for a few seconds.

Ulric kicked the car door closed with his foot and walked on to the porch before sitting down in a rocking chair. Amaryllis sat on his lap, intertwining their fingers together.

"I don't want to go back either," he admitted to her. He was beginning to open up a lot more. Amaryllis was slowly tearing down the walls he had built up. She was making a home for herself within his soul. And he didn't hate it.

She smiled at Ulric and ran a hand through her hair. She was absolutely breathtaking. He still couldn't believe that he was the only man to have ever touched her- in any way. She hadn't even been kissed before she met him. A woman so innocent was a rarity, and for a woman like that to be his mate was absolutely exquisite.

"Did you tell Thierry where we went," Amaryllis asked, twirling strands of her strawberry blonde hair between her fingers.

"Yes," he nodded. "He's been handling things while I've been gone."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"Since he was born. I'm only a few months older than he is, so basically our entire lives."

"Have you always been best friends?" She inquired.

"You're a curious little cat today," Ulric commented. Though, he wasn't annoyed. Usually, when he was pestered about the personal details of his life, he would quickly become agitated. This time, he wanted to share his stories and his life with Amaryllis. He wanted her to know him. Well, some of him.

Amaryllis blushed and looked away. "Sor-."

"Don't apologize," Ulric said as he gripped her chin between his fingers and pulled her head back to look at him. "We have been best friends our entire lives," he answered.

Thierry was Ulric's closest friend. He was family, even though they weren't blood-related. Ulric had been there for Thierry in his darkest days, and vice versa. Thierry was the one that helped him recover from her. Though, he was never the same after her. The only one truly repairing Ulric was Amaryllis. She was the only one who could.

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