Broken Bones

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Ulric was seething. His best friend and second in command was out on a play date with Amaryllis. He heard them as they entered the castle, giggling and making unnecessary noise.

He was angry that his mate was getting friendly with another male, and that made him even angrier. He didn't want to feel possessive over the female, but there was no other option. Even if he didn't like it and even if she didn't know it, she was his.

He clenched his fists on his desk. He could smell her as soon as she walked into the castle. She smelled amazing, her scent pulled him in, comforted him. He hated that.

Ulric stood up from his desk and left his office. He was going to the gym. Every day he trained himself and pushed himself. He was always trying to get better than the day before, and he needed to take out his pent-up anger.

For two hours, Ulric was downstairs in the gym sparring with his warriors. His men were highly trained, lethal weapons, but even they could not beat the king.

After he felt somewhat satisfied, he left the gym. He did feel better after releasing some of his built up anger, but there was still this feeling of need in his chest which continued to spike his anger.

As Urlic was walking back to his quarters to shower, he ran into his little human mate. She was looking down at her feet as she walked along causing her smaller self to run into Ulric's large frame. He knew she would run into him, but he didn't move out of the way. He figured her reaction would be worth it.

She jumped back after she ran into him with a gasp.

Amaryllis hadn't seen anyone there. She knew as soon as her body touched him that it was Ulric. It was as if there was some kind of electric chain connecting them.

He hid the smile that was itching to form on his face at her expression. She was clearly shocked and her face definitely portrayed it.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed.

Ulric stayed silent, staring down at the young girl. He could see her squirming, she felt awkward. Amaryllis met his gaze for a few moments, but then felt too intimidated and lowered her eyes to her shoes.

"I'm sorry," she said in a much quieter voice. He enjoyed watching her squirm.

He grabbed Amaryllis by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall. She was surprised again and looked up into his eyes.

He placed his finger under her chin to prevent her from looking back down again. "The next time you want to leave the castle, you ask my permission first." He said.

Amaryllis blushed, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. She should have asked him to leave first, after all, she was under his control.

She nodded. "Yes, sir."

Ulric glared at her for a moment longer, soaking up the feeling of her guilt before walking away.

The king smiled as he walked away. He enjoyed harassing the girl, but still, it was as if he wanted more.

He felt his anger dissipate after being near his mate, though he tried to not let that thought get to him too much.

As he walked down the hallway, he heard a loud bang from where Amaryllis was. He turned around as he felt a sense of urgency to protect the girl, but he tried to block that feeling out.

Amaryllis was laying on the floor, clutching her wrist in her other hand. Her wrist was in a lot of pain and she thought it might even be broken. She was going to sit there for a while longer before figuring out what she was going to do, but then she felt Ulric grasp her arm.

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