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Amaryllis was woken up in the early morning by a knocking at the door. She got out of bed and cringed when her feet met the cold stone floor. She was right, the thin cover did nothing to keep her body heat in; she was freezing all throughout the night. 

When Amaryllis opened the door she came face to face with a young looking girl. She was pleased to see a human rather than a bloodthirsty vampire that she thought was knocking at the door. 

The girl was around her height with light brown hair. Her eyes were green but did not have a red ring around them, showing that she was a human. 

She must be a human servant, Amaryllis thought to herself. 

"Hi," the girl said. "My name is Cameron. King Ulric has ordered me to give you these clothes and escort you to the dining area where you will be given your chores for the day." Cameron handed Amaryllis the clothes, a pair of black pants and a white t-shirt. 

"Come out when you get dressed and I will take you to the King," Cameron told her and then shut the door, giving Amaryllis privacy to change. 

Amaryllis stripped her clothes off that she had been wearing from the day before at the Harvest. She slid on her new clothes and then quickly opened the door. She didn't want to leave her little cell, but she figured it would be best if she didn't leave the King waiting for too long. 

Cameron started walking back up the stairs that Amaryllis had walked down last night. "Excuse me?" Amaryllis said timidly, scared a vampire would hear her speaking. 

The girl turned around and smiled at Amaryllis, telling her to continue. "Where are the other girls?" She asked. 

"They were taken to a different building. It's a part of the Kingdom that is closed off from the castle, it only connects to the castle from underground tunnels. That is where I, as well as every human, sleep. I don't know why the King demanded you sleep in the dungeons. My quarters aren't great, as the King doesn't like humans, but mine is much better than where you are." Cameron gave her a sympathetic look but continued walking on.  

How nice, Amaryllis thought to herself. The king hates me and I have no idea why. 

"How long have you been here?" Amaryllis asked Cameron. Amaryllis wasn't a talkative or a very social person, but she needed to talk to another human to get her mind off of things. 

"I've been here for a year. I came from a town about an hour away. I was chosen at the Harvest," Cameron replied. "Being here isn't that bad. It's scary at first, but you get used to it. Just don't disrespect the vampires or walk alone at night and you should be fine." Cameron gave Amaryllis a smile, but that didn't help calm her nerves.

Amaryllis made a mental note to never walk alone, but she had apparently already disrespected a vampire. Not just a normal vampire, she had supposedly disrespected the King Vampire.  

"We are here," Cameron said. She pulled the two large wooden doors open to reveal a grand dining room. There were circular tables set up, as well as a singular rectangle table. Amaryllis assumed the rectangular table was for the Royals. 

Cameron pushed Amaryllis into the room and then walked away after giving Amaryllis a thumbs up. Amaryllis walked into the room and took a seat on the floor next to Kayla; Kayla just sneered at her. 

Amaryllis wondered why the girls were sitting on the floor. She assumed the King did not want such disgraceful creatures touching his things. 

All of the girls were dressed in the same clothes. Kayla did not like the clothing apparently because Amaryllis heard her complaining about them to the girl beside her. 

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