Bloody Fingers

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Leaning down, Ulric connected his lips to Amaryllis's once again while his hands roamed her body.

Grabbing her by the hips, he pushed her up against the pantry door in the kitchen. "Ulric," she gasped when his hand slid under her shirt while the other traveled down to grip her ass.

He was so tall and built that his entire body covered her own and prevented her from seeing anything but him.

Her heart was racing out of both nervousness and excitement, but the excitement was winning that race by a mile.

His hand squeezed around her abdomen just under her boobs and she found herself wishing that she wasn't wearing a bra.

She placed her hands on his upper chest while he continued his assault on her mouth. Since there wasn't a single inch of her body not being touched by his own, she felt his hardening erection growing against her stomach.

"You are delicious," he groaned when he ran his tongue across the skin of her neck. She moved her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck because she wasn't sure she could stand on her own. Ulric noticed because he wedged his leg between her own so she could support herself against him.

"Oh," she gasped when his hard leg brushed against her core. Ulric intentionally pushed his leg up even more into her core to get a reaction out of her.

"Ulric," she moaned out of breath. He smiled into her collarbone as he kissed his way down her chest.

After a few moments, he picked Amaryllis up in his arms and walked them up the stairs toward the master bedroom.

Amaryllis looked up into his eyes as he led them to the room. She couldn't believe that she was giving herself to this man so easily. In reality, she didn't know much about him at all, and he didn't know all that much about her either. Yet, she couldn't pull herself away from him.

She shook her head. She was slightly disappointed in herself that she had no willpower when it came to Ulric, but at the same time, she did not regret anything they had done this far. It was new and exciting and she liked it. But she wasn't ready for sex yet. She knew that they had to get to know each other more before they took that step.

Ulric stepped into the room and kicked the door shut with her boot-clad foot. He then sat Amaryllis down on the bed before kicking his boots off and crawling on the bed to get on top of her.

She leaned up and connected her lips with his before wrapping her arms behind his back. She couldn't help but begin pulling his T-shirt to expose his tanned skin underneath.

Ulric broke the kiss and sat up to pull his shirt all the way off and Amaryllis couldn't help but stare at him. He was so handsome that it almost hurt to look at him. Back when there were just rumors of vampires, everyone assumed that if they were real, they were pale and dead looking, but that was the exact opposite of what they actually looked like.

Ulric was tan and very much alive-looking. He had the body of a Greek god and Amaryllis couldn't keep her eyes off of his delicious abs.

Tossing his shirt on the floor he quickly went back to his mate's lips. Amaryllis trailed her fingers across his muscled abdomen. He groaned above her when her fingers traced the V that started at his hips and disappeared into the top of his jeans.

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