Family Time

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Amaryllis woke up the next morning after having slept through the rest of the day before and all throughout the night. She found herself in their bed clothed in one of his t-shirts.

She looked behind her shoulder and didn't see her mate beside her, but his spot on the bed was still a little warm so he must've gotten up not too long ago.

A few minutes later Ulric walked through the door holding a tray in his hands. "Good morning, Love," he greeted.

"Good morning," she replied with a smile. "What do you have there?"

"Breakfast for you. I made you pancakes and fried eggs with toast," he said as he placed the tray on the bedside table. Amaryllis sat up so her back rested against the pillows. Ulric sat down and pulled her legs over his lap and then placed the tray of food across her thighs.

"Thank you," she said while her face lit up at the food. She dug into the breakfast while Ulric just stared at her. "What?"

"You're beautiful," he responded as he softly carcassed her bare legs. "After you fell asleep yesterday and I notified the embassies of our mateship and your impending coronation," he said.

"What is the anxiousness for?" Ulric asked. He must've felt the flare of anxiety she felt at the mention of her coronation.

"Thinking about it makes me nervous," she replied and he looked at her questioningly.

"It's just that I'm a human, I'm not one of you. I don't want people to think that I can't handle the position and I'm also worried I will prove them right," she revealed.

"I don't think you realize how many people adore you, Amaryllis. Do you have any idea how many people approach me to tell me how excited they are that you're here? Or how many people were devastated to find out you were taken from me?"

"No," she said with a shake of her head.

"You may not be a vampire, but most of our people think of you as one of us. I know you didn't look at the crowd the day of the executions, but they were in favor of the traitors' executions. They recognize you as my mate and their queen and they want to protect you. They aren't waiting for you to fail. They want you to succeed. I have gained a great deal of respect from my people over the years and they know I would never do anything to jeopardize them, especially by giving the wrong person authority. They know you will fit the role perfectly."

"I didn't know people thought that," she said with flaming red cheeks. Ulric nodded his head. "Well, I feel bad, Ulric. I don't talk to many people because I thought they might not like me. I want to socialize with your people so they know I am approachable and not just some stranger. Can you host some type of event or something and invite people so they can get to know me?" She asked.

"We can host an event. I'm sure people will be thrilled to be aquatinted with their future Queen."

"And not just the vampires, but the humans here, too," she stated.

"Yes, we can do that. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I don't want to have, like, a ball or something, that's too formal and it's not my thing. I want people to see me for me, ya know, and not some dressed up fancy-looking woman. Maybe we could have a picnic in the gardens! And we can set up games and things for the kids to do!" She exclaimed. Ulric smiled at her enthusiasm, happy she was excited to acquaint herself with their people.

"I can put that together. It'll have to be next week sometime because I've scheduled your confirmation for the week after next."

"Okay, that sounds perfect," she answered.

"There's another thing, as well. My family has decided to come back for your coronation ceremony."

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