Epilogue Part 1

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Three Years Later

Amaryllis ran down the stairs toward the front door. Luca and Darrien were visiting and she hadn't seen them in quite a few months. She was so excited!

"Luca!" She exclaimed when she threw the door open and saw her brother standing on the front porch. Luca wrapped his arms around his sister's back and hugged her close. "Hi, Ames," he greeted.

She turned and hugged Darrien as well. "How are you doing, Amaryllis?"

"Good! I've been working on knitting a blanket all morning while Ulric's been at the castle. How are you guys?"

"Tired," Luca answered. "I'm happy I'm somewhere familiar for the night." Darrien and Luca had been visiting different werewolf packs that Darrien had alliances with and they'd been moving around for about two weeks. Their last stop was to visit Amaryllis and Ulric before heading back home.

"Well, I'm glad that you guys came to visit. I've missed you."

Darrien and Luca stayed with them for two nights before going back to their pack. They were supposed to stay for three, but Luca was tired after all their traveling and just wanted to go home- which Amaryllis completely understood.

Not only that, but there was also a pack member's death the night before they left to go back home, which is mainly why they went back home. The woman who had died killed herself because her mate found out she had given birth to another man's child and didn't want her anymore.

She saw him attempting to break their bond by being with other women and whatnot, and it broke her. She killed herself, leaving her seven-month-old set of twins to fend for themselves. Luca and Darrien were going back to one - pay their condolences and have a ceremony for the woman, and two- see about adopting the children, a boy and a girl. They can't have their own kids, obviously, so they've been looking into adoption, but they haven't had much luck, until now.

Amaryllis looked up when Ulric walked through the door. He had been at his office in the castle all morning. "Hi, baby," she greeted.

"Hi, sweet girl," he said as he laid his body on top of hers on the couch. His head rested on her chest as his arms went under her back. She lifted her hand and ran it through his thick hair.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Fine. Better now that I'm with you," he replied, making Amaryllis smile.

"I'm glad I can make your day better," she said quietly.

Ulric stilled against her, his body going completely rigid. "What?" She asked, worried by his movements. "What is wrong?"

Ulric moved his head from her chest to her belly. He pressed his ear against her stomach. What is going on, she thought to herself. "Ulric?"

He didn't respond again, just continued to press his ear against her belly. He pulled back and looked at her with surprise in his eyes. "You're pregnant."

Amaryllis's mouth fell open slightly. "Pregnant?"

Ulric nodded his head. "You can hear?" She asked.

"Yes, it's a faint heartbeat," he responded, pressing his ear to her stomach again.

"I'm pregnant?" She asked again. They hadn't been exactly trying for a baby, but they also hadn't been taking any measures to prevent getting pregnant either. And boy did it happen fast. It had only been a few weeks since they stopped using protection and if there was already a heartbeat, she must've gotten pregnant the first time they hadn't used condoms. 

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