Chapter 2

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Keith POV:

      Finally I got out of bed and decided to eat some breakfast, but I hope no one is in the dining room because I want peace and quiet. As I got dressed into my black t-shirt and my black tight jeans and had my jacket on with my shoes and walked out of my room.

As I was walking through the hallways there was no sign of anybody and only the clicking of my shoes were only heard. I wonder where everyone is especially Lance. I always worry about Lance even during our missions and risk my life just for him.

Just like the last mission, there was a explosion near Lance and ran right in front of him to block him from it and even though he was made it was worth it. I near though I would have a crush on Lance since he's annoying and likes to do face masks or whatever. But he has this personality that I like and he's so hot.

          Wait did I just say that I'm sorry I mean he is sexy like hella sexy. But as I was walking through the hallway I realized how tired and not hungry today. As I walk to the kitchen Hunk was cooking food and everyone was waiting. Lance was there talking to Allura which made me jealous. Why does he always talk to her.

         What you think he would like you. You look so fat and ugly and who would like you. Exactly nobody so just give up and die.

         No he can't I'm not giving up. I walk up to the table and sat down by Lance. As I did Hunk placed the goo right in front of me and I wasn't hungry. Shiro had noticed that I was playing but he didn't ask. After breakfast I got up and went training. But I had this weird sensation but I don't know what it is. But I brushed it off. But out of no were I blacked out and I hear screaming. But who is screaming my name?

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