Chapter 40

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Keiths pov:

I opened door and there stood someone I didn't expect, Shiro. It's just Shiro though, the voice is wrong for calling him a traitor.

" Keith we have to talk, is it alright if I come in?" He asked.

Don't let him in, I'm telling you that he shouldn't be trusted.

The voice is bullshitting me at this point, no way in hell Shiro can hurt me, right? So I brushed off what the voice said and nodded at Shiro and stepped aside so he can walk in. He gently smiled and passed by me and stood in the middle of the room. The door slowly closed and my full attention was on him.

" So what exactly you wanted to talk about?"
" Why did you decide to kill Allura?"
" To protect Lance, he was under this spell or control because of her." I replied calmly.
" Lance doesn't need protection or you saving him and being the " hero" in his story."

Wait- why are we even talking about this.

" Ok wait, why do you even care if I killed Allura or not. She was a bitch, I did us a small favor of saving everyone from her plan that she had up her sleeve." I said in a angry tone.

" You did a mistake for even killing her." He said coldly.

" No I didn't, if I go back I still would do it again and again and again."

Your just pissing him off even more, tell him to leave

Shiro stepped closer to me, I moved a step back. But all he did was walking closer to me till we are centimeters apart. He leaned in my ear,
" I dare you to say that again." He whispered.

" I Said, I'll do it again." Wrong move keith

Shiro grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall really harshly. He's trying to cut my air way. I had my hands trying to pry off his own hands off my neck. I'm glaring at his face, his eyes are pink. I'm slowly losing my strength, and my energy is slowly disappearing. I give one last glance at him and let my hands fall to the side of my body. I'm barely awake at this point. Before I fully went unconscious he let go off my throat. And I let my body fall to the ground and make a big thud.

My vision is blurry, I'm too tired to fight. I see Shiro feet. I'm definitely fucked.

" You shouldn't said that Keith, tsh tsh now look where you got too." He lowly said

I told you he shouldn't be trusted one bit

But why did he do this? He's a traitor that's for sure.

I definitely didn't ghost this story and forget that it even existed...... - Cherrybomb

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