Chapter 35

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Keith's pov:

I feel cold, but I can't move. I feel frozen or even paralyzed. I want to move since I feel really uncomfortable, I feel my back aching. I can't hear anything, just my thoughts I guess. I barely remembered what happened, I don't even know how long I been like this. Is it weird that I feel like yelling, you know to let all my emotions go.

The voice stopped talking to me, maybe it's a good thing but I feel really lonely. There would be some occasions were I could here a murmur but I can't put the words together. It's too quiet for me to understand the voice. The voice sounds like I know them, it's just bugging me this whole time since I can't identify this murmur. Maybe I'm died and I'm just buried somewhere or thrown into space and now I am just a soul.

Nope I don't believe that, I still have to be alive if I feel warmth or cold.

I'm not also sure if it's been hours or minutes or days, but I want to get out. Honestly fuck this, I have the urge to stab something at this moment. But I have to wait till I wake up.

Lance pov:
( I bet u didn't expect this pov)

" KEITH DONT DIE PLEASE," I yelled desperately. I didn't mean what I said, I was just scared.

I have tears running down my face, I'm desperately trying to push the wound to stop the bleeding but I'm covered in red oozing blood... Keith's blood exactly. I can't believe my own eyes what I witnessed. I look up and see Pidge and hunk frozen I shock.


Pidge ran and began to check the wound. They than also looked at his eyes, maybe to see if the brain is still working.

" We need to get him into the pod. We don't have much time, Hunk come help me." Pidge commanded.

Hunk speed to us to pick Keith up and we all ran to the infirmary. Pidge began to put in a passcode while me and hunk kept applying pressure to the wound and patching it up.

" Alright it should be all set." Pidge said.

Hunk than carefully placed him in the pod and closed it. The pod turned blue, and I'm now standing before him.

Keith's completion wasn't great, he looked really pale, purple lips, he has blood running down from his head to the bottom of his shoes, he looks tired since he has really heavy bags under his eyes and lastly he looks thin, too thin for my liking. He looks dead.

Pidge and Hunk said they are going to head out, to clean up the mess. I just stood there looking at him. I feel like I did this too him, if it weren't for me this wouldn't happen. I should be were Keith is... I honestly deserve the pain. He doesn't, he tried.

I might off fucked up big time, god.... why did this happen?

I walked up to the pod and slide down to the ground. My body is pressed up to the cold glass, and that's when I broke. I was letting out my tears and emotions. I hear myself sob and wail, this really is hurting me. My heart feels so tight, I can't breathe. I did this too him. I look up.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry for I did. Please don't be mad at me, I can't live without you. Please wake up soon."

Keith's pov:

" ~_%>{€|"

There's that murmur again, who the hell os talking. It's not the voice. I'm tired of this sleeping thing. I feel hungry and unproductive, i want to do something. Especially bash something at a wall. When is this going to end.

Omg I'm sorry for not updating soon! This chapter is going to be short since I don't know how to keep on going after the last chapter, it was too much and honestly I was busy with online school. I'm sorry for the long delay but I hope this chapter was ok. See y'a next Time!!

                                                     - Cherrybomb

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