Chapter 15

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Keith pov:

      I woke up by the sudden coldness that my body felt. I was trying to find warmth by curly myself into a small ball as I could. I felt a kiss on my head and that's when I turned and latched my arms around the persons neck. I heard them chuckle a bit and started kissing my cheek and neck. I started to open my eyes and I saw the most gorgeous blue ocean eyes. I smile, I smile so brightly. Even brighter than the freaking sun. That tan body of his and muscular form sums everything I need in life.
" good morning babe" I said.
" morning, how was your sleep? Had any dream about me~?"
   " I had a dream about this handsome guy waking me up and comforting me" I replied with a groggy voice.
     Lance chuckles and than lifted me and the blanket that was around my body and started to carry me out the room. I just snuggled up to him and started to doze off.
" don't fall asleep kitten, u need to eat."
" but your so damn warm though."
" your so cute" Lance said while kissing my lips.
" I'm kinda worried a bit to see the others from yesterday " I said after we stopped kissing.
" haha I really don't want to see those assholes too." Lance replied with some seriousness to his voice.
" why?"
" because they were such dumbasses to not realize that your not fine and you were in pain Keith. I hate to see you in that kind of pain till the point you cut and cry." Lance said sadly.
" but I have you to protect me from my demons. Your sharpshooter who can shoot those bitchs to death." I said and chuckle.
" Yea your right samurai I can do that."
      I smiled as i nuzzled to Lances neck. He smells like lavender and I guess beach. He has soft skin too, probably him taking care of his skin too well. I heard a woosh sound which was probably the door. Maybe a while I felt Lance sat down and him rubbing my back in circles a bit. I heard people talking but I tuned it out.
" So Keith how are you feeling today?" Fuck it's Shiro.
   I was thinking about that question for too long I guess because honestly I don't know how I feel. I feel happy at one second and the next I feel anxious or stressed. So when I was about to open my mouth to say I'm good Lance interrupts me.
     " Keith is still recovering from yesterday's situation and I don't think it's a good idea to speak to him at this very moment Shiro. Give him some space." Lance said that a bit harshly but he's just trying to protect me the best he can. I felt his arm tightened a bit around my body as a way of me not turning back to see the scene. I was basically sitting on Lances lap facing the other way so I was just laying my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I was a bit tense because I'm a bit afraid of Shiro.
     I think Lance saw me tense up a bit and he started to say comforting words into my ear and rubbing circles on my back again and I started to relax into his embrace. He kissed the side of my forehead and he turned around and signed.
    " see he's literally stressing out right now. You just need to give him space, mullet here isn't here to play games anymore and after maybe realizing that you guys are too busy to care for him I think he's scared to face you all. When we were walking here he was a bit nervous to face you all. He's just a mess a bit and I'm gonna help even without you all." Lance said. I think he's a bit mad at the others since they are trying to start a conversation with me and act like nothing happened yesterday.
    " Lance please you can let the subje-"
   " Keith you expect me to not say a word when your nerves are off the charts right now?" Lance interrupted me without finishing my sentence.
     Lance went to turn his head to me and whispered something to my ear.
     " I'm gonna take the food to our rooms, they are getting me into a pissy mood and your anxious and I think it's the best to eat in my room. You go head first and I'll follow you with the food."
    I did what he said and I got of his lap and wrapped the blanket around my head and body and started to walk slowly so Lance can catch up with me. As Lance got by me we both left the room without a word. And left the others speechless. I don't really care at this point, my main focus is just Lance.
     We walked in the hallway to Lances room and as we got there I opened his door. We both got in and I instantly sat on the bed. In his room he had this soft blue blanket on his bed which was so fluffy and he has a carpet and pictures of his family and me and him around the room. I looked at lance and he was smiling at me.
   " want me to feed you?" He asked.
I just nodded. He grabbed a plate and he sat down by me. He also had this tv he got from the space mall without the others knowing. Lance is a sneaky person and he has a lot of things that the others don't know except me. He had video games and lots of new lotion and many food from earth and surprisingly he has a phone and music. He grabbed the tv remote and but on Netflix that he somehow hacked to get it and we watched the office. And you thought that he was dumb, ha my boyfriend is smart that he figured out how to get internet and shows so me and him can watch. I was watching as he spoon feed me till I was done. I was full and lance was very proud of me that I was improving I guess. He kissed my cheek and the rest of the day we stayed in Lances room watching show after show till we went to bed.

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