Chapter 36

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Lances pov:

It's been 2 weeks, 2 weeks of waiting for him to wake up. I haven't showered since, I barely ate. The anxiety is getting to me. I can't move, I feel numb and cold. I've been thinking all the scenarios that could happen.

First scenario is him making it through and live.

2. He hates me to the core and probably kill me in my sleep.

3. He'll die.......

I don't want that, I want him to live. All of this is my fault. I don't even know what got me in this situation. How do I get out this, there isn't anyway to escape this situation unless I die or leave the damn ship.

I have to calm down or I'll break the pod. Literally, I'm not sure if I'm able to do that but I'll be fine to test out my ability and be called crazy.

I look up, my attention is on him. He looks better than last week. He seems like he's healing but I'm not sure he'll mentally heal. It takes time to get out of depression, it's not easy as it seems. He probably has ptsd too. He's heartbroken cause of me. I should be the one in there, feeling his pain. If I had the chance to take his pain I'll do it without hesitation. I deserve the grueling pain.

I lean against another healing pod, my blanket is scrunched up around my waist. I feel exhausted since I want to be the one to catch him when he's ready to get out of the pod. He might be mad for being the first thing he sees but I don't care. Because I love him.

Ha I shouldn't even say that too. Honestly he can kill me and I won't be mad. I'll be more pleased if you asked me.

Pidge and hunk have been trying to get me out and walk around but I rejected their offer. They tried to give me food but I also rejected that too. I've rejected all their offers.

Now I'll just sit here and wait. I have no idea on how long I'll have to wait but I'm a patient person..... ok that's a lie but I'll try. In the end I'll be there for him, he'll push me away and yell out his anger but I'll stand my ground to help him. It's a bad idea but I have to be their for him no matter what. I messed up and I want to fix it.

I let out a sigh and slowly closed my eyes. I banged my head against the pod and felt a headache coming soon.

" Wake up soon, I don't know how long I'll last without you being awake."

Keith's pov:

Why is it taking so long to wake up. I want to get the hell out. Now.

Be patient, everything will be fine if you keep quiet and hope to god you make it. It's fun teasing you, you know.

Haha..... I'm back. Sorry it took so long, and sorry for the short chapter. I'll write more in the next chapter. I promise.
                                                - Cherrybomb

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