Chapter 33

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Keith's pov:

" Lance listen to me-" I tried to calm down Lance but it wasn't working. Now he's standing up and panicking.

" Keith what the actual fuck did u do?! Are you crazy! She was the only person who has all the info we need to survive!" He yelled at me.

He kept on rambling and it was getting quite annoying. God can he just shut up or do I have to shoot him too.

" You have to understand here buddy that what you did wasn't-" I cut him off.

" LANCE! Shut the fuck up and listen. We have Coran to help us survive first of all. And what
happened was me trying to save you from a psycho alien that was controlling your mind! I didn't want to do this but we had no plan on getting this bracelet off of her. Pidge gave me the gun to shoot her, everyone was worried for you. So don't yell at me and complain because I saved you from something dangerous you dumass!" I yelled and poured my heart out.

I was gasping for air because I said all that in one breath. I look up and see Lance look at me confused and scared. Why scared though?

" Keith-....... I- I didn't know I was mind controlled, all I know is me being confused on why I couldn't do anything, like think for my own or move as I will." He looked down at Allura's body than looked up at me. " But Keith, I'm scared of you now you know, what you did right now makes me feel sick and scared." He started to cry and fat tears are rolling down his cheeks.

" Lance you don't have to be scared of me, I'm still the same person. I'm the person that you still love and cherish right? There's nothing to be scared of anymore, Allura is gone and can't control you." I said softly with a small smile on my face.

He stared at me blankly, did I say something wrong?

" Your not the same anymore Keith, your a complete different person. The Keith I know is kind and stubborn, sometimes grumpy and can enjoy talking to me. But what I see now is someone else, a complete stranger. I'm not scared of Allura but you." He said softly as he was shifting around and he's leaning on one foot to the other.

" But you still love me right?" I asked.


" Lance? Please don't tell me you don't." I said shakily.

I began to walk up to him slowly, I place a hand on his shoulder and he slightly flinched.

" Lance...... do you love me still?"

He looked up and said," no Keith, I don't love you." Tears pouring down his face like a river.

I stood there in shock, he stepped away from my grip and he began to back away from me. I look at him and I had tears in my eyes. I can't believe he doesn't love me anymore.

" Keith dont bother trying to talk to me, I can be your friend but right now I'm scared of you. I cant love someone like you when I'm scared of them." He said slowly.

He than walked out of the room, probably went to his room. But me..... I just stood there. My mouth was a bit open and I can't process what just happened.

Did I fucked up again?

" No I don't think so but you made yourself look like a monster, just like I wanted."

No no no no no! This can't be happening right now. The person that I love and care for just said he doesn't love me anymore, so what does that mean for me? What's next for me?

" Hmmmmm, death.... suicide.....being lonely.... being looked as a monster.... and many more but I can't list them all."

I dropped down on my knees and started to cry, I cried my whole heart out for a couple minutes. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should end it too, I looked at the gun.
I picked it up and stared at it, I pulled the trigger and pointed at me head and than......someone ran in.

Hey guys, Ik many of you wanted an update as soon as possible but sorry for the delay. Kinda was busy but I made some time to write this chapter for you. I hope it's ok, and I wanted to say thank you for reading this book and enjoying it. I appreciate how you guys like the book, it means a lot to me. But see you all next time!! ☺️🥰
                                                    - Cherrybomb

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