Chapter 13

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Keith pov:

It's been days since I went out of my room. I'm a complete mess and I feel horrible for yelling at Lance when it wasn't his fault, because it was my fault in general. He tried to talk to me but I locked the doors and hide in blankets and cry. Yea I know it's stupid too cry but my emotions are getting the best of me since I never dated before.
          I want to hug Lance and kiss him and say I'm sorry but he probably hates me now. I wish I can go back in time and change this, to fix this problem that I caused. If only I would eat and listen to him but guess I was a bitch in general. I really am hungry and it's been 3 days since I ate. I stood up with a red blanket wrapped around my shoulders and I slipped on my slippers and walked out.
            I walked for about 3 minutes till I reached the kitchen. But as I walked in the whole team was sitting around the lounge area ( tbh I forgot where the lounge is in the series and I'm too lazy to look so just pretend it's in the kitchen area). Everyone had their gaze on me, I just really didn't care since I was hungry. My head kept on telling me I will get fat but I'll throw it up later, I opened the fridge and took out some weird alien fruit juice and some green and purple fruit.
          I was about to walk back to my room until someone called my name.
I knew that voice was Lance. I turned around and looked at him. I can tell how bad I look by Lances expression. He walked to me and looked at my face features very closely. He placed his hand on my right cheek and rubbed his thumb on my cheek.
      " Hey how you been doing? You look pale and sickly like, I'm worried Keith."
  What Lance said made me even more guilty, I made him worry to much. I just looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders.
     " I'm doing fine Lance, I'm just tired that's all. There's nothing to worry about." I smile at him but he didn't smile back he just frowned.
      " Keith let me see your arm."
      " What?"
       " Please I'm worried. I know that you didn't eat till now, I know your gonna throw it up and not sleep. Keith please just let me help you, I'll take it slow."
        " There is nothing to see or to worry about, I'm fine Lance really. You should be mad at me for yelling and storming off on you and ignoring you too." Lance is a amazing person and he shouldn't deserve a weak person like me, he should have a hot girl kissing him and being a better person than me.
    You now Kogane, if you make a wrong move it's game over right.
  He's right if I make a mistake it's game over. I looked at Lance and I smiled to him. He looked at me with suspicion but a voice both got us of guard.
     " Keith is there something that your hiding from us?" And I soon to realize the team was still there listening to us and the person who spoke was...

Sorry I take a long time to upload a story since I'm lazy lmao 😂😭

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