Chapter 8

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Keith's pov :

  It was the next day and I was more tired then ever. I felt like my whole body was about to give up and maybe die at this point. Who knew a hour sleep can do this to your body. I was getting dressed in Lances room and pulled my black "emo" shirt with Lances jacket. I brushed my hair and left the room.
         Lance woke up first and I decided to not go and just look up at the ceiling for no reason. I was walking to the kitchen to look for food. The door slides open and I see Hunk in the kitchen doing his own thing.
" Hey Hunk what you doing?"
" oh nothing just trying to do a recipe, it's brownies by the way," Hunk replies.
I smiled to him and I'm happy he's making brownies since it's my favorite. I went to a cookie jar and pulled out a cookie and started to walk out of the kitchen.
          I was heading to the training room while eating the cookie. As I walked in I see Lance shirtless. Damn his tone skin and his abs damn I'm surprised that I'm his boyfriend. He sees me and he walks over to me.
      " Hey babe what you have there?~"
      " Just a cookie, what a piece of mine?"
      " The only piece I want is you~" ( sorry I'm not that flirty)
      I was shocked and I hope he didn't mean he wants sex because nah ah not happening.
      " Not today sharpshooter, I rather eat the cookie than that."
     " Oh come one Keith I really wanna see how gorgeous you look!" Lance said in a whinny voice.
      " Oh so my ass is not good enough for you or my lushes lips and even my thick thighs?"
      Lance got quite and he blushed. He then leaned to my neck and hugged me.
       " You got a point there maybe next time."
I giggled a little bit. I watched as Lance had finished his training and we left to his room. I was cold so I hugged the jacket tighter. Lance saw me doing that and he sat me down on his lap and covered a blue fluffy blanket over the both of us.
     I snuggled a bit to him. He then pulled out a movie. Luckily Pidge has some access to some programs such as Netflix ( just pretend that she did cuz she hella smart to figure that shit out) and now we have movies. Lance pulled out some romance movie that I didn't know.
     Half way through the movie I hear soft snores from behind and I turned around to see Lance sleep so peacefully. I kept on watching Netflix till I was tired. I was thinking the future of me and Lance and I wish that we can stay like this and maybe marry each other. I hope that that happens.

" He Hates you, go die you faggot....."

Hey guys sorry if I wasn't updating that much just school in the way. Any way I wanna give a shoutout to this amazing person and writer! Smug_6 so go follow her and read her books cuz it's so good and I hope you enjoy them. I might be updating once a week or so if I do two in a week. But yea go check out her books cuz they are so good and you can image everything she says. But thank you for giving me 2k!!!!

Thank you for reading and until next time guys!!!
                             - Cherrybomb

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