Chapter 30

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Keith's pov:

It's the next day and I thought everything over last night. And I read through the book Pidge gave me last night too and I figured out the plan. The plan is too get Lance away from Allura for a couple of minutes. She has the ability to control him and I need time to get the hair so her being far away from it is good. I texted Hunk to help me out with this plan, he is suppose to call Lance over to the kitchen for some "help" while I am already there and sitting down by the table and pretending to be on my phone and get behind Lance at one point and take a strand of his hair.

This won't be easy but it's a plan, and the thing is that I don't have a plan B. So Im pray to god or the universe to have the plan work smoothly. I'm in my room getting dressed and today is a off day so no training today. I wear my red hoodie and leggings and than get my shoes. I sat up after I tie my shoes and than had a thought in mind. Last time I was without a weapon, maybe I should take mine today.

I walked over to my bed and grabbed the mattress and quickly looked for the blade. I saw the blade glow in purple so I grabbed it in a swift movement and let go of the mattress and let it drop to its original place. I than stuff the blade into my side pocket of my leggings and looked in the mirror to make sure the weapon isn't seen. I adjusted my hoodie a bit and decided I was ready to start the plan.

I calmly opened the door and walked in the hallway. I texted Hunk to be in the kitchen and he replied that he is already there making some cookies. I than walked to the kitchen and saw Hunk baking the cookies, I walk towards the table and sat down by it.

" Hey Hunk, you think this plan will work?" I asked him as I was taking my seat.

" Well yea it will work but if Allura is there than it won't. Than we have to think of something else Keith." Hunk replied as he was mixing the ingredients together into a smooth texture.

I hum in response and than took my phone out. Me and Hunk had been in the kitchen silently, it was a comforting type of silence but also a stressful one too. I don't know if this will work. Than I hear a door slide open, oh god please let it be Lance. I gaze my attention to Hunk with a worried look, he looked down at me and gave me a small confirmed nod. It's Lance.

" Hey Hunk, what you making buddy?" Lance asked as he was approaching both me and Hunk.

" Ah just making some cookies, when it's done want to try them. I'm trying to recreate my grandmas old recipe, it won't be perfect but it will taste good for sure." Hunk said with a big smile.

Lance than walked by Hunk and observed him making the cookies on the side. Now the plan is being activated. I placed my phone in my pocket and slowly got up the seat. I than walked around the table towards to the guys. I than pretended to go to the fridge to grab something and scan the fridge. I glance to the side and see Lance still paying attention to Hunk making the cookies.

I than closed the fridge and slowly crept behind Lance. I was a few inches away from him so I raised my hand to his hair. I looked around again to see if Allura was here and than after a short check I confirmed she's not here.

I than grabbed a very small piece of his hair and yank it a bit. Than Lance suddenly grabbed the back of his head and said, " Ouch". Oh shit shit shit SHIT. Uhhhh think fast Keith, I see a apple and a plate on the other side of me and I turned around swiftly and grabbed the apple and pretended I'm about to bite into it.

I see Lance turned around and was about to say something but Hunk interrupted his thoughts.

" Hey buddy can you try this to see if I need to add more flavor?" Hunk said nervously. He was holding up a spoon that was filled with the cookie dough. Lance faces him and grabs the spoon and take it to his mouth. He hums and nods in approval.

I wiped the sweat dripping off my forehead and than turned around to walk around the room.

" Hey Hunk I'm going to leave , text me when the cookies are ready." I said as I hid one hand behind my back to hide the small piece of hair. Me and Hunk said goodbye as walked off, but before I did I gave him a wink and a nod and he did the same.

I turned my attention to Lance and see he has the pink glow in his eyes. Damn, this piece of hair better give me answers on why is Lance acting like this. I walked out the room and headed to Pidges room.

But halfway through the trip I bumped into someone, I looked up. I bumped into Allura, fucking great just great. I gave a small smile to Allura and said,

" Well hello Allura, sorry I bumped into you. Are you alright?" I asked. I cringed in my head for what I was saying to her right now.

" I'm fine but next time watch where your going bitch." She spat and walked away. She had her head up high as she was walking away. I snorted at her remark and attitude, she is such a bitch but can be funny when she acts like that. I than brought my attention back to reality and continued to walked to Pidges room.

I approach to the room and knocked on it.

" Who the fuck is it?!" They yell.
" Who the fuck else would it be Pidge!" I replied.
" Come in than," Pidge replied back to me.

I walked in and the doors slide open. I looked into Pidges eyes as they were looking at me.

" You better have the hair." Pidge said.

" Hell yea I do." Now I better get the answers I need to help Lance.

" Be careful, someone might be watching you.."

Oops sorry for the long chapter! Hope you spent your day well, don't get corona plz. I love you guys.
                                               - Cherrybomb

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