Chapter 10

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Keith's pov:

       It was a bit later and my mind is fuzzy. I feel like I'm floating in mid air surrounded by nothing, feel numb instead. The cuts still sting but there is nothing I can do, I wanna change but my thoughts are just making question myself. Who am I exactly?

Your a piece of shit who's worth nothing and a waste of time. Ur a faggot, a ugly faggot that should rot to hell, no wonder your parents left you! Your a orphan who can't get shit right, your not good enough for Lance. You should die at this point if you don't wanna face reality ~

    My thoughts are right I should die. I'm a ugly faggot, my parents left me because I might was not good enough for them. I'm alone...... all alone with me dark thoughts.
     Lance would deny my thoughts but he might lie about it too. Does he really like me, does he? Is he doing this to make Allura jealous or is he doing it to make me feel hurt? What ever it is I would get why he would do that.... because I'm a fat ugly faggot.
    I hear a door open behind me but I didn't turn around. I was starting at a wall, spacing out and not knowing who came in the Room.
    " Oh hey Keith" I know that voice, it's Pidge.
      " I turn around and reply " Hey Pidge hows the research going?"
       " Pretty good if I say so, by the way why are you wearing your jacket if it's so hot in here because the castles air conditioning broke."
    SHIT! Think Kogane think of a excuse.
      " Ummmm... because I'm pretty chilly and I'm used to the heat since I lived in a desert!" I was sweating like crazy but I didn't care, I didn't want her to see the scars.
      " Umm ok dude, but don't get a heat stroke because I'm not gonna help you."
       " Ok....... I'll go to my room then Pidge see you later I guess." I stood up and waved goodbye to her and left the room.
    The door slid open and I walk through the empty hallways. I might been walking for a couple minutes but it feels like hours. My legs feel weak out of a sudden. I look around and I know that I'm not far from my room, I lean against the wall for support till I get to my room. My door room open and I walked in slowly, I head to my bed and flop into it. It might not of been a second but I hear a knock on the door and I groan in annoyance.
    " Come in!" I said
     " Hey Keith..."
It was Lance, why is he acting weird? He doesn't trail off when he talks unless it's serious.
    " Hey Lance what do you need?"
      " Umm well we need to talk."
Oh no this can't be, is he breaking up with me! Did I mess up oh god I messed up I fucking messed up. I'm panicking on the instead but I had wide eyes for sure.  I opened my mouth and wanted to sound calm but it was the opposite.
      " S-sure wha- what do y-you need?"
       " Well..... Pidge said you acted weird and..... she saw a line on your wrist.... Keith what's going on?"
    Fuck! I can't lie this time I can't! Should I tell him?!?
  Told you, lying is gonna hurt you and him. Tell him the truth and your dumped, lie and you might be safe faggot. Those cuts can't hide themselves, just kill yourself in front of him if you don't wanna chose......
" Well um-" 

UNTIL NEXT TIME 🤷‍♀️ ( I got no ideas at this point, so I'm gonna leave u guys wondering on what's gonna happen next and what Keith is gonna say)

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