Chapter 6

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Keith's pov:

I woke up feeling sick. I was still in bed and I felt a warm presence behind me. I turned around and I bumped my head that felt like a wall. I opened my eyes and lifted my head and I see a awake lance. He looks down at me and smiles.
"Morning Keith, did you sleep well" lance asked.
" yea I did".
He smiles and tangled his hands in my raven hair. It felt so nice that I leaned into the touch.
Stop it your not worth his time, his playing with your feelings.
I was trying to ignore that comment but it kept on replying in my head. I was so depressed and lost that I didn't notice that lance was right in front of me.
"Keith buddy you alright?"
" ummm yea I'm alright" I reply.
Lance wasn't convinced so he grabbed my face and he leaned in and he was so close to my face that I started to panic. I was thinking on what he was thinking. He kept on looking in my violet eyes and he had this frown.
" Keith your eyes have a dull color and you have bags under your eyes, what's wrong?"
" Its nothing lance, I'm totally fine." That was a lie, I'm not fine at all.
He than sat up and went to my bathroom. Oh no please no, he better not find that ra-.
Lance came out with a razor and it was bloody. At this point I was shaking and on a verge of crying my eyes out. He than walked up to me and he kneeled down to my level and held out the razor.
"Keith what is this that I found a couple days ago?"
" I um I-I can explain!"
" Than explain why I found a damn bloody razor in your bathroom with more razors?" He had this stern voice and look.
I just cried, I cried and I felt so helpless and stupid. My own crush found out that I cut and that I'm dumb for doing that and probably now he hates me.
"Keith buddy listen to me, I know what your going through and we can go through this together."
" You don't know what I'm going through lance" I said in a whisper voice.
"Yes I do and I want to help you and want to take that pain away, Keith I realized how much you changed and your eyes don't have that spark anymore. It hurts me to see you drowning in your own depressed world. Keith this is not the right way to be, you can't cut your pain away. Why didn't you tell me that you were in so much pain?" Lance had tears on the brim of his eyes.
" Because I don't want to show my emotions and don't want to bother you. You already hate me so what's the point lance?" I was still crying.
" I care about you Keith!"
" No you don't!"
"Yes I do and I'll prove it!"
He than leaned in and grabbed my face and felt something soft and warm on my lips. Lance was kissing me, Lance McClain is fucking kissing me. My crush is kissing me. My love of my life is kissing me.
I kissed back and we kissed for a couple seconds to breathe and he hugged me.
" I care about you Keith kogane and I will always care."
" I do too care about you too lance" I replied and hugged back.
He's lying......

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