Chapter 11

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Keith's pov:

       " Well um you see Lance it's," I was panicking. I didn't know what to say, I never wanted him to find out! Should I listen to my mind should I let my demon control me? Should I do what it says and trust it?
   " Lance I got a bit injured during my training and you know how intense I do my training and my sword cut me a bit, there's nothing to worry about."
    Nice job Kogane he might buy my lie and understand it, but I do truly go intense with my trainings.
      " Keith the last time you trained was a week ago. You always train but I barely see you doing it right now, Shiro is even worried about you." Lance said with a serious and worried tone.
        I didn't know what to say because he was right, the last time I trained was a week ago, I can't even train hard because I'm weak for that shit.
   Tell him, tell him how weak you are. Tell him that your a fat faggot, tell him and he might leave you and then you can be alone with me. Who would you rather be..... me or the flirty Cuban boy who can cheat on you.
    I don't know, I love Lance but maybe the voice is right he might cheat because I'm not worth it, he would dump me for Allura.
       " Lance I'm fine I just got injured not long ago and I got a scratch, nothing big so you can stop worrying babe," dang I should learn how to lie better.
        " Let me see your wrist then."
         " What?"
         " Let me see your wrist, if you say to not worry about it then show me to not make me worry."
      You got to be kidding me right?! Now I'm full on panicking on the inside, I wanna hide at this fucking point. I don't want to do it I'm scared. Lance is right in front of me with a stern serious face when sitting on my bed, my feet dangling from the bed since I'm short as fuck and I'm fidgeting like crazy. Lance has is hand out like he was waiting to be handed to him.
     I look up at him with a my wife purple eyes scared to death and he can see that.
      " Keith give me your wrist"
        " Lance I'm fine there is no need for me to show it, you trust me don't you?"
        " Keith I love you and I just need you to show me your wrist that's it nothing else, if you say it's a injury then I want to treat it and let me see if it's a injury."
    At this point I give up, I can't get out of this. He should know right? He's my boyfriend after all so he might help me and get me better. So at this point I stood up and I'm right in front of Lance looking straight to his eyes and I slipped my red jacket off. I have cuts up to my shoulders so he can see them all, my old scars and my new ones. I'm still looking at his face for a reaction, and it was full of concern and sadness.
    " Keith baby...... what is this?"
     " Lance I-I wanted to tell you t-this earlier b-but I couldn't face the fact of maybe losing you..... I've been depressed for a couple y-years and was c-cutting and th-throwing up because I have a eating disorder....... I'm so s-sorry Lance."
     I was crying from the pain and telling him this is hard, he might even dump me. So I hang my head down low and fell on my knees crying to the palm of my hands. But what surprised me was two pair of strong arms wrap around my small body.
      I look up with tears still in my eyes and see lance hugging me trying to comfort me. He pulled back and looked at my face, he lightly pressed a kiss to my lips and I kissed back. After we were done he pulled back.
        " Keith listen if your going through this, then I wanna help you. I won't leave you if your thinking that right now, I won't dump you babe. I love you with all my heart and I always will. I'll help you with your eating disorder and your depression and then step by step your gonna get better, trust me kitten. Your a amazing person and if you were gone then I don't know what I would do, I can't live without you. Your beautiful and your eyes are gorgeous, your body looks perfect and I don't want to see you sad. So Keith can I help you to get you better?"
        What Lance said made me cry with tears of joy and I was happy that he didn't leave me, I'm happy that he wants to help.
       " Lance I want you to help me, thank you for saying that I needed that."
        " Anything for my pretty kitten."
But does he really want to know the dark side of me, does he really want to know my past?
      Don't listen to him, he'll be fed up with your bullshit and leave you Kogane. Just wait and see .......

Sup guys sorry if it taken me a dang long time to update this story. I didn't have a idea but I got this idea and wrote this as fast as possible, it probably sucks but I have nothing else to say. My schedule is so messed up sorry ( im just thinking a lot lately sorry if I'm making u disappointed)

                                                       - Cherrybomb 🍒

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