Chapter 32

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Keith's pov:

I couldn't sleep, the thought of me shooting this gun and see limbs fall makes me sick to my stomach. I'm laying down on my bed as I held the gun up in the air, just looking at it. This feels grime and it kinda makes me think that I'm gonna get the whole universe against me. This is for helping Lance but is it really worth it? I might get myself in danger too for crying out loud! Wait.... Im here for a reason, I'm here to fight not cry in sorrow.

I put the gun down on the side of the bed and I sat up and thinking how to do this. Should I do it in secret or confront her and do a surprise attack. Should Lance be around this or have Lance far from the situation? I don't know what move would consider me a hero, all of these ideas makes me think I'm a villain.

" But you never were a hero, your more likely to be a mistake, a fag, worthless person. And have a I mentioned how Shiro is avoiding you as much as possible."

Yea why is Shiro avoiding me? Did I do something wrong that caused him to hate me? My mind started to pace and I started to add some things up. He was walking towards Allura's direction, he was trying to hide something from me. He would never do that unless it's really important to him, or something that can hurt me emotionally. Wait! He probably is working with Allura! Oh that son of a bitch.

I got up and got dressed, I took out a red hoodie and black jeans and some vans. ( I know he doesn't wear these but I just want him to have some sort of cool style in my head) I than ran to the bed and grabbed the gun and stuffed a couple bullets and hid the gun around the waist bend of the jeans. ( if that makes sense)

I ran out the room and started to look for Allura. I don't care if her limbs fall or she dies. She deserves it, she doesn't deserve Lance. She literally took him away from me. And Shiro..... I consider him as a brother but if he is working with Allura I won't mind him bleeding right in front of me. I started to look frantically around the ship and I decided they might be in the lounge area.

The door pushed open and there she is, the devil herself. I stood in the doorway and decided to walk slowly towards her. I can't shoot behind her because she's sitting down so I have to sit in front of her. But.... I wasn't going to do that. I walk up to her, standing right in front of her.

She was talking with Lance but stopped as she felt my presence. She had this evil glint in her eyes. I gave her the death glare but than I decided to glance at Lance. His face said it all to me, he's not himself but he's confused. I looked back at Allura.

" You know Keith, you just ruined a good conversation I had with Lance here. Can't you maybe walk away or not look at me like that." She said that with some venom in her voice.

" ptf- you think I don't know what your game is? Oh Allura it's over, your fun and torture is about to vanish." I said.

" What do you mean?" She said. She was denying it.

" You know what I mean, now we can do this calmly or violently. You can stop kind controlling Lance or I'll stop you myself."

She sat there, I can tell she was thinking about this really hard. But after a few seconds she said the unexpected.

" Well than Keith, you can try with all your might to stop me but you won't win. So try me bitch." She said.

Oh ho it's on whore.

I quickly snatched the gun out and pointed at her. My hand was still and my finger was on the trigger. I was ready to shoot her without her having a chance to speak anymore. She put her hands up and her face had a hint of fear. I smirked.

" So you want me to play that game, cause I don't mind. I can kill you to stop your games and I can definitely not regret this decision." I said with a wide smirk. She did a smirk back and replied with.

" YOU KNOW WHAT, LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING! *she clears her throat* Lance never loved you and he never will. The moment you shoot me he will be devastated, he will hate you. You can't do anything useful to him, I can. I can have a family with him and you can't, I can bring excitement in his life and you can't. Because you only think about yourself and put your problems out to him and it's weighing him down. And the fact you talk to yourself sometimes is creepy, get a therapist you psycho!" She said with the most evil voice.

I started to shake a bit, she's lying to me right. Lance loves me still.

" Lance loves me more than you, I can garantie it" I said with a bit of shaky tone.

" pft you wish he loves you, he never will and he - .." she kept on talking but I tuned her out. It's only me and my thoughts now..... and the voice."

" Keith just shoot her, what's there to loose now buddy."

Should I.

" Yes! It's what you want right! Show her who's boss~"

I pointed the gun at her bracelet, my mind still running. Than her voiced tuned in for a small second.

" Your just a big bother to him! Don't you get it! He doesn't love yo-"

God just shut up!

It was silent, my ears are ringing so badly. I opened my eyes and I stare at the mess I've made. It was Allura without a arm, it was unattached from her body and is just dead on the ground. But the bracelet is broken. I see her eyes closed and blood seeping out of her wound. Than I forgot about Lance, the one who was sitting by her.

I glanced at him and see him in shock, he's covered in blood. I see him staring at his hands that was smeared with the red liquid and his hands are shaking. He looked at me, god I was scared. But, his eyes were blue and no pink tint to it anymore.

" Lance...... Lance? Are you ok?" I asked. He than looked around himself and looked back at me.

" Keith wtf did you do?!"

" Shit, we fucked up."

Well well well didn't know your able to do that red paladin.

Ahhh I'm back with another long chapter. Hope it was good and decent to read. I also hope things are going well with you guys and that you are having a great summer. Thank you for reading and see you all in the next chapter!
                                                     - Cherrybomb

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