Chapter 27

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Keith's pov:

It's the next morning... we'll I guess it is. I don't know what time it really is since I broke my clock out of anger because it was annoying the shit out of me. Anyway I got ready and made myself look decent. I went to train for the day and have a decent meal but Lance is on my mind the whole day. Is he really ok? It seems like Allura has something to do with this.

I never thought I would say this but what if Lance never meant to say anything bad the day we went on our separate ways. What if he was controlled and was forced to say what he said that day. It could be that he doesn't remember the hickey on his neck but was soon switch to a complete different person. It's weird but it's a theory I have.

I was walking in the hallway and I was just having a conversation with myself for hours on end. Than it hit me, the bitch really has a nerve to mess with me. She is doing it because she is probably jealous. Maybe the voice is right though, he was bound to hurt me one day and he did. He must of meant every word he said.

" What if he really is fucked up in the head..... like he needs some sort of help. Or he is just living his life normally and your just overreacting."

Maybe your right about that. Truly he wouldn't want to stay with me forever. I was crazy to think like that, I still am. I decided to walk into the common room to just go on my phone. I walked in without looking at anything not anyone. Didn't bother too, I just wanted to sit down. As I did I took a small glance around the room and I see lance and the bitch.

I just shrug and look down at my own phone, I kind of want to research about this glowing eyes that lance had. It makes me curious, I'm so invested to find out. I soon heard someone cough but didn't mind it till it grew progressively. I fed up and look up and see Lance giving me pleading eyes.

He than mouthed to me, " Please I can't control this, you have to help me."

Ok now I have to help him. I gave him a confused gaze but than stood up straight in my seat and gave a small nod. Indicating that I will help him but I just need a plan. He than looked off at something else. He's really out of it. But should I stay out of it, maybe he's making up this whole scene to make me look stupid in the end.

But he might be in some sort of danger, he must be held captive over something. Lance isn't the type of person to follow peoples orders and be this clingy, he's more independent and self centered kind off.

Voice what should I do?

" Do what your gut tells you, it's really up to you Keith. In the future you will know if you made the wrong decision or not. I can't say on this one ."

I'm fucked now.

" indeed you are"

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Oops I didn't realize how long I haven't post. I want to left everyone know I'm sorry for that. I hope everyone is doing well during quarantine and the whole Covid-19 crisis. If you are staying home and doing social distancing don't get too bored or your gonna become old probably or something. Soon everything will go back to normal I hope! Have a wonderful day or night, baiii guys!
                                              - Cherrybomb

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