Chapter 14

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Keith pov:

Shiro's voice gave chills down my spine. Should I tell him or should I say I'm fine and there is nothing to worry about and leave the conversation like that. But he probably won't take that answer and would force it out of me since " we are a team and we should know and help each other at all times".
I hate that about Shiro, always have to be annoying. The moment we got our lions he acted like he owns everything and such. And since me and Lance were yelling and fighting like maniacs back then he would force us do " bonding exercise " which I hated it will all my guts.
I got snapped out of my thoughts when Lance was snapping both his fingers in front of my face.
" Shiro just asked a question and you just blanked into your own little world kitten" Lance replied with a gentle voice.
I look at Shiro and the whole team and they were listening. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and Allura were all giving their attention to me. Ugh I hate when people give attention to me, I'm not that social enough.
" Well to answer your question Shiro, I'm perfectly fine and there is nothing to go far and beyond to find out when there is nothing to find." I replied with confidence and to make it believable to them.
" Lies."
"What?" I said.
" I said that your statement is just some lies!" Yup that was Lance speaking and that made me 10 times scared than before.
I thought he won't tell the others but look at him doing that right now. I gave trust to him and he's gonna rat me out right now to the whole team.
Told you that he would hurt you one day, he's gonna tell everyone how a faggot and a pathetic bitch you are. Ohhh Keith you should of listened to me from the beginning~ you should of killed your self when you had the chance.
Yea they are right, what am I kidding why did I trust him?!
" Lance what do you by lies?" Shiro questioned Lance. Lance looked at me at the team before speaking. He took in a deep breath and began speaking.
" Well Keith's been keeping this little secret of his from everyone since we stepped on this ship and is to afraid to say it. He's been cutting and starving himself for a long time and he just started to sleep less and the whole time he was lying about his own health Shiro! Are you that stupid! Don't you see that he's pale and he looks like a damn stick!? No because your to busy with your fantasy world and flirting with Allura than helping your "brother" or team mate! Well I've been helping him and I made a mistake by rushing and I did one right now too! By spilling his secrets but he should realize that everyone won't judge or make fun of it because this problem is not a joke and we should all help him! But your all to busy with your own shit when I take my time with him to help! I care for him and I don't need the pity for him, maybe these words can get to your head and Keith's." Lance turns his head to me. " Kitten I know your mad but I'm doing this because I love you with all my heart and soul and I want to state my point on how these idiots don't know shit and should get their heads straight. I know in your head your mad but we should be aware of this problem. Don't mind them, I'm gonna help and I don't care if your gonna push me away because I'm always gonna be in your life no matter what."
Lances words are echoing in my head. I'm mad but I realized how much he cares for me and that he realized all this when the others didn't. Shiro is supposed to be my brother but I guess he has to other shit he rather do. I look at Lance and I smile, I smile to brightly. I lean in and I kiss him, I love this boy with all my heart. I started to cry and we pulled away from the kiss and I laid my head on his chest. I felt his hand petting my hair and I feel his chin on top my head.
" I'm never gonna stop loving you and worrying about you till the day I die. I'm your boyfriend and I should be taking care of you when your in need." Lance said. His words always makes me happy and I guess that's why I fallen in love with this boy.
" I want to go to my room babe, I'm getting anxious and nervous by the states that everyone is giving me." I whisper in his ear.
Lance nodded and he took my hand and we walked out the lounge area. We walked in the hallway quietly but I love his warmth. We made it to the room in a while and we both walked in. I first sat on the bed and laid down and Lance followed. We both were laying down and Lance wrapped his arms around my waist. I guess I'm the little spoon today. But I heard Lance was humming and maybe a minute or two I fell asleep into darkness. I'm safe around him so I feel comfortable and I wish that stays forever.

I did another chapter since it's been a long time. Hope this chapter is good because since you know I'm just lazy and have no ideas so I'm hoping this chapter is good ig.
- Cherrybomb 🍒

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