Chapter 5

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Keith's POV

I woke up and found myself still on the couch and I was still resting my head on Lance's lap. I rubbed my face with the palm of my hand and yawned as I was sitting up. I look up and see Lance smiling at me and it seemed like his eyes were much more brighter than usual.

"What are you looking at?"
"Nothing just your beautiful face mullet."

I was about to speak but nothing came out of my mouth and then I felt a burning sensation on my cheeks. I was probably a blushing mess. I heard a giggle and I look up and see Lance laughing. Which made me blush harder, by know I might look red as my jacket.

I then see Lance's hand placed on my cheek and he caresses it. I was confused on why was he doing it. Then I looked up and he was blushing too, he looked so handsome. Wait but he's straight and he likes girls, this must be a joke. But as I was in a deep thought I felt something soft on my lips. I was warm and comforting and I kissed back.

But I realized who I was kissing so I opened my eyes and it was Lance that I was kissing. I tried to pull away but lance had a firm grip behind my head were he had one of his hand on in my hair and the other around my waist. He then pulled me on his lap and started to kiss me more and it got heated. Then he pulled away so we both could get some air and we both were panting.

We both stare off each other in the eyes and I felt like I was being lifted which I was. Lance had picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and hold on tight to him. He then walked out of the room that we were in and started to walk to his room. I had my head on the crook of his neck and I was getting tired.

Lance had opened the door and he placed me on the bed and made me lay down. He then got more blankets and pillows and made a nest ( something like that) so it can be warm and comfortable. He then hopped in the bed with me and went under the covers and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

I snuggled to his chest and let out a happy sigh. He then had his chin placed on top of my head and I heard snores from him. I was tired but couldn't go to sleep because so much thinking was in my head ( if that makes sense). But I felt like something was doing smooth circles around my back and I relaxed to it and decided that it was not bad. So I slowly closed my eyes and dozed off.

He does not like you, he's just playing around with your feelings, your gonna get hurt so just kill your self before he does.....

Make it stop, please Where stories live. Discover now